First cycle

Two times a week, being Sundays am and Wednesdays am. Bloods were taken on a Friday Am so yes makes sense what you say, since then I have swapped sustanon for test E, and feeling better, much better, but my estradiol still a bit low (new blood sets) s perhaps I am a Primo hyper responder?
Everyone has good advise here. One single long ester is better for a first cycle. Sust MUST be a minimum of every other day. Some mixes should be every day pins. 2x per week was messing with your hormone levels.
Test only for your first cycle is more than enough. 300mg per week is golden. You get so much from your first cycle, you can even transform on trt amounts. No need for any other steroids.
I started on 300 mg test only and my aromatisation was high and started to have some high E2 symptoms, my coach (dr) is somehow a bit against AI and preferred to use primo to control
I have also should stated at the beginning that I started TRT about year ago at 200 mg week (ended up reducing to 125 a week and felt like got with about 980 test) the reason that i went down from 200 to 125 was the same, my response to both test and aromatisation was big! I was in about 1400 test and very high e2.
Everyone has good advise here. One single long ester is better for a first cycle. Sust MUST be a minimum of every other day. Some mixes should be every day pins. 2x per week was messing with your hormone levels.
Thank you, i believe I will save the sus for the cruises, or as coach advised, to the next blast add it on top of 300 mg test e or C plus 200 sus

Thanks again everyone for valuable inputs!