DeLarge Cycle Log



Hello there Meso,

I will try to keep a log for my first ever cycle, with weekly updates regarding weight gain/loss, mood changes and such, plus before and after pictures at the end of the cycle.
I made some changes since the previous post, as usual feel free to drop your insight.
Btw, I ordered everything from Human Labs, as soon as I'll get the stuff I will start.

A little bit about myself...

27 y/o male
5'9 x 188 lbs @ 18 bf (Skinfold Caliper)

SBD : 320/245/450 (Just writing this to check the progress at the end of my cycle)

The program will be the following :

500mg Test E x 12 weeks
Anastrozole 1mg EOD (My E2 appears to be in the high range)

I will add my PCT protocol once is fully rolled out (It will definitely consist of HCG, Clomid and Nolva).

Bloodwork Results:

E2 41.91, Range 0 - 39.8
HDL 40,
Range >40
LDL 92, Range <130

Free Testosterone 15.93, Range 8.3 - 40.1

Supplements :

Omega 3 (1 Caps Breakfast 1 Caps Lunch 1 Caps Dinner)
Vitamin B (1 Caps Breakfast)
Multivitamin (1 Caps Breakfast)
Bergamot Extract + Coenzyme Q10 (1 Caps Breakfast)
Fermented Red Rice + Gamma Oryzanol (1 Caps Breakfast 1 Caps Lunch)
Citrulline (4g Pre Workout 4g Post Workout)
Glutamine (10g Pre Workout)
Creatine (10g Post Workout)
EAA's (10g Post Workout)
Cluster Dextrin (30g Post Workout)
Whey Isolate

These supplements are aimed at controlling my HDL as it came out to be in the lower range.

Caloric Intake + Macros :

Calories : 3000

C : 370
F : 80
P : 200

Workout Routine :

Monday : Back + Delts
Tuesday : Quads + Calves
Wednesday : Chest + Biceps
Thursday : Rest
Friday : Hammies + Calves
Saturday : Delts + Triceps
Sunday : Rest

Please let me know if there's anything you would change, as usual, Meso's feedback is always much appreciated.


Hello everybody,

Pinned for the first time ever last night, 0.8ml of Human Labs Test E (considering last lab result came out at 316mg/ml, 0.8ml should be equivalent to 252mg) chose the VG route with a 25 Gauge 1.5" needle, went surprisingly smooth considering it was my first time, also no PIP to be seen as of yet.

The only downside was that I couldn't sleep really good, not sure of the reason considering I have little to no PIP.

Will try to update weekly on how it's going.

Why 500mg in the first cycle?
And why only 12 weeks?
Do you think in 12 weeks you can build up significant muscle that you can keep afterwards?

250mg is enough for the first cycle but 16-20 weeks.
Why 500mg in the first cycle?
And why only 12 weeks?
Do you think in 12 weeks you can build up significant muscle that you can keep afterwards?

250mg is enough for the first cycle but 16-20 weeks.
Where do you read that 250mg for 16/20 weeks is enough?
250mg is too low of a dosage, it would be a waste imo.

If you've been around here for a while you should now that the general consensus for a first cycle seems to be 400-500mg x 12 weeks.

If I got to shut down myself I prefer to at least do it good.
I agree that 500mg/wk of test is a good first cycle. At 12 weeks maybe reevaluate where you are and consider another 4 weeks. I like a 16 week cycle myself.

Why 500mg in the first cycle?
And why only 12 weeks?
Do you think in 12 weeks you can build up significant muscle that you can keep afterwards?

250mg is enough for the first cycle but 16-20 weeks.
250/wlk is akin to TRT levels. If your natty levels are good all you will do is cause your body to quit making test and your levels will drop. AS @DeXXXLarge said, Shut Down" we don't want to go there.

@DeXXXLarge toss up some pick bro. Lets see the physique. I'm currently 5' 6" 178 bs. appx 16-18% of course I am 30 years your senior (57). I use a smart scale, military tape and calipers. It may be over kill but if they all coincide then I know that I am realistically close.

Good Luck to ya.
Where do you read that 250mg for 16/20 weeks is enough?
250mg is too low of a dosage, it would be a waste imo.

If you've been around here for a while you should now that the general consensus for a first cycle seems to be 400-500mg x 12 weeks.

If I got to shut down myself I prefer to at least do it good.
You have no experience with gear and want to tell me that 250mg test is too low?
You have no experience with gear and want to tell me that 250mg test is too low?

Someone really doesn't need much experience to know that 250 is low. It's basic math.

Most people are on a 4-6x multiplier. This would put you at 1000ng/dl or 1500ng/dl.

If natty range is 300-1000 then yeah... You're shutting down your natural test levels so you can be at the high end of natty range, maybe 50% higher.

Personally, I'm not shutting my balls down so I can be 50% higher than natty range.

Will 250mg be better than nothing for the stability? Sure.... But if your balls are gonna quit working anyways, you might as well get more benefits from it.
250/wlk is akin to TRT levels. If your natty levels are good all you will do is cause your body to quit making test and your levels will drop. AS @DeXXXLarge said, Shut Down" we don't want to go there.

@DeXXXLarge toss up some pick bro. Lets see the physique. I'm currently 5' 6" 178 bs. appx 16-18% of course I am 30 years your senior (57). I use a smart scale, military tape and calipers. It may be over kill but if they all coincide then I know that I am realistically close.

Good Luck to ya.
I will try to take some pictures later in the day, meanwhile thanks for the tips, I’m gonna start using my smart scale again and will seriously consider to extend my cycle if everything goes good.

Following. How are you feeling so far? Are oils legit?
Feeling good so far, based on reviews here I'd hope oils are legit, can't really comment on any noticeable change as it's been 1 week only. I had my third shot yesterday and it gave me a lump, probably didn't go deep enough, but pip is not a big deal.
Damn, just woke up with a rock hard lump on my vg, not really painful but man is it hard...

Guess I didn't give my body the time to recover from previous shot (aka thought 7 days would've been enough).

Lesson learned.