Depression whilst on cycle


New Member
Has anyone else on experienced bad depression in the mornings whilst on cycle?
I’m running 500 deca, 500 test and 500 masteron a week with 0.3 superdrol daily. The mornings are generally worst and once I’m up and at hit the road I generally start to come good but I still wanted to know what could be the root cause. Thanks in advance
Nandrolone is well known to cause psychological issues for some. Specifically anxiety and depression. I would start there.
Nandrolone is well known to cause psychological issues for some. Specifically anxiety and depression. I would start there.
It's the nandralone, I though I was the only one who pulls up to the gym at 5am crying for no apparent reason.
I'm sure that's part of it. I never control it with a ai.

I only seem to get emotional on test decca.
Test mast no emotional changes.
Test tren overly aggressive.

But yes he should cut that 500 decca down to 250 imo or all the way out.
Could be deca or high e2. My estrogen goes up and I get nutty. I'd start with a blood test/ If e2 is good I'd think about the deca.
Yeah Deca makes me feel awful, even with an AI I just feel incredibly sad. I just can't run the stuff.