This situation will make us very happy. And for all our customers who share their bloodwork, we offer store credit.
We apologize for the 3-day delay with your package. If you check again today, it will most likely receive two updates at once. USPS is very slow during this period.
After purchasing a product, we ask all our customers to leave a review confirming they placed an order with us. This allows them to update it throughout the process, reflecting the reality to the community
Idk how to quote two replied in the comments, but addressing both comments:
Yes I’m aware of how it takes time to build up and show up in bloodwork. I was simply noting how there’s an abundance of communication reviews but relatively little actual gear reviews.
Communication is an important aspect to me too. Although I can’t say it’s been great. I was given a tracking number on the 27th. At the end of the day I asked when the package was going to actually ship. And was given a response of “Tomorrow i will send your TN”. Which is odd. Considering I already received my tracking number in the same email thread.
And let me be clear, I’m not in anyway accusing this vender of anything. Just simply commenting on my experience so far.
I’m hoping all goes well and I can come back in about a month and update with bloodwork.
I was told I would have TN yesterday and still nothing. Hoping it’s just a holiday delay. Fingers crossed.