Recently got a rotational job working 20 days on 10 days off away from home. The company I work for puts me up in a hotel. The hotel has a very strict no cooking in rooms policy.
My first shift in I brought a deep freezer with me and ordered from a meal prep service that delivered pre made meals every Tuesday, with macros accounted for. I’d order 21 meals and it would be enough for 3 meals a day for a week, and then they’d come restock me.
The hotel complained to my employer about the deep freezer in my room and I’m not allowed to bring it anymore. I can’t do any cooking in my room at all.
How the fuck am I supposed to stick to a diet that works when I’m supposed to eat out every meal for 20 days in a row. I’m at a loss. I want to keep progression going on this cut, but I do not know where to go from here. Even if I was able to get use of a kitchen somehow in town, I would have absolutely no way to keep the meals cold or frozen as all the room has is a mini fridge.
I want to be 1900-2000 calories a day, and I wanna hit 150g of protein.
Fast food wise… noodle box has seemed like the best, only due to a lack of other options.. I have looked at their nutrition info and put together a noodle box only meal plan that equaled 2020 calories and 129 grams of protein. Not great I know, but I’m at a total loss right now as far as creative ideas go.
Any helpful/creative ideas appreciated
My first shift in I brought a deep freezer with me and ordered from a meal prep service that delivered pre made meals every Tuesday, with macros accounted for. I’d order 21 meals and it would be enough for 3 meals a day for a week, and then they’d come restock me.
The hotel complained to my employer about the deep freezer in my room and I’m not allowed to bring it anymore. I can’t do any cooking in my room at all.
How the fuck am I supposed to stick to a diet that works when I’m supposed to eat out every meal for 20 days in a row. I’m at a loss. I want to keep progression going on this cut, but I do not know where to go from here. Even if I was able to get use of a kitchen somehow in town, I would have absolutely no way to keep the meals cold or frozen as all the room has is a mini fridge.
I want to be 1900-2000 calories a day, and I wanna hit 150g of protein.
Fast food wise… noodle box has seemed like the best, only due to a lack of other options.. I have looked at their nutrition info and put together a noodle box only meal plan that equaled 2020 calories and 129 grams of protein. Not great I know, but I’m at a total loss right now as far as creative ideas go.
Any helpful/creative ideas appreciated