from another board I frequent:
I had DNP induced peripheral neuropathy in 2001. It took a couple of years to clear up. And let me tell you, it was not fun. it got shooting pain up and down my legs, I had serious issues with my feet as well (Sometimes they were hyper-sensitive to touch, and other times I could barely feel anything)
It was extremely painful just putting on my socks.
If you get nerve pain, you need to do a few things.
#1: Stop the DNP or you will destroy more of your myelin sheath(Keep in mind that the myelin sheath CAN recover if you haven't done a lot of damage)
#2: Take massive amounts of oral Acetyl-L-Carnitine(10g+/day orally)
At the time AlCar was pretty expensive and i was buying it by the kg.(we're talking thousands of $$$) (I even bought an injectable version from animal and injected it straight into my ankle(It was 250mg/ml). It burns like hell. Be warned)
#3: As Proton has suggested load up on Lipoic Acid. I highly recommend you use the r-enanthiomer(r-ALA) instead of the normal ALA. You will get less heartburn and IMHO its far more effective.
The only experimental drug I ever came across for nerves was the recombinant nerve growth factor NGF that was being manufactured by genetech at the time. I made enquiries through my doctor to buy it as it seemed to actually have the potential to work but they had stopped producing it. This may have changed. (I know full well how desperate you get when you can't stop the nerve pain no matter what you do so that might be one avenue open to you)
#4: Gabapentin(Neurontin) does jack shit tbh. Don't even bother as it will just make you sluggish.
#5: Use the pain meds ONLY for sleeping purposes as you will build up a tolerance pretty quickly.