

Anyone know if dinitro still uses his anonymous email account or does he have a new one? Emailed him earlier today but no reply yet.. planning on using some in December and beginning a long cut cycle shortly after.

I've done enough reading on the stuff and I've decided I'm not taking a chance with anyone else capping it other than him, so it'd be greatly appreciated.
Not going to stupidly take anymore of a risk than necessary, and buying the equipment to properly cap it and do it myself is more of a hoop jump than I feel inclined to go through.
Why in gods name would you use DNP in the BEGINNING of a cut man. I wouldn't recommend it all unless you're a srs competitor, and even then only using it towards the end before filling out with a carb load.

Not talking shit, I'm genuinely curious. What's your bf% at?
I think using it at the start of a cut works out best...

Why is that I wonder, I've never ran it and the research I've done (which isn't a lot) shows to save it for when you can't go any further with diet/ cardio and other drugs.

Is it as dangerous as the mass seems to make it sound, or is it like insulin where you can only f up if you have Down syndrome
Gets me carb depleted very quickly, and then I cruise into the final weeks way ahead of schedule. I feel it works better the fatter I am

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How long you run it for, and what's your carb intake (all macros for that matter) when on?

Do you run it solo, or with test for muscle sparing