do all dhts cause hair loss?

is there any evidence for how androgenic DHT derivatives are exactly? Just because they’re derived from DHT doesn’t mean they agonise the receptors to the same degree. There’s the anabolic to androgenic ratio table which can be found on Wikipedia, which doesn’t tell us much.

Is a molecule of proviron going to cause greater androgenic activity than a molecule of masteron?

Maybe some DHT derivatives have greater binding affinity for androgen receptors but only mildly agonise them. Maybe some are more androgenic than others mg per mg, but at maximum doses the reverse may be true. Maybe some have weak agonising effects, making them antagonists.

I don’t fucking know. Anyone got any ideas?

@mands to the rescue !

Tell em boy ;)
I’ve never understood why people dodge DHT for fears of hair loss.

If you’re genetically predisposed, then you’re gonna need your total androgenic activity at castrate levels to avoid balding. Basically fin and avoid DHT compounds and hope non-DHT androgens don’t cause balding on their own.

If you don’t take fin or something, you’re fighting a losing battle anyway. Dudes go bald with physiologically normal androgen levels. You’re fucked if you think youre safe by just not taking DHT derivatives.

And the problem is, you can spend 30 years dodging balding, but if you forget to take your fin, or you take a DHT derivative, you’ll lose all your hair as if you were never dodging balding in the first place.

Lemmie tell ya, your dick working well is far better than your hair. I’ve had my dick not work, I’ve had my dick work perfectly, I’ve had a shaved head, and I’ve had luscious locks. Bald with boners comes out on top every time. I can get pussy like whoah but if my dick doesn’t work what’s the point?

You can get a hair transplant. If you’re too bald for one of them, you can get a hair system. If you’re not a fan of hair systems, wait for hair cloning. But what you can’t get back is your dick.

Just my two cents. I’m not a doctor.
HT without FIN you will loose lot of result and donor area is finite
Unfortunately, not all transplanted hair is resistant to Dht and other possible reasons that can cause hair to fall out. I know a lot of people who had transplants and who didn't use finasteride and had a lot of hair loss, including transplanted hair. If you have hair loss, it will only be stabilized with medication. Hair transplantation can and in many cases accelerate native hair loss. That's what I've seen.
I already did it a few years ago, it make me at least 10 years younger.
A year after the transplant I started to have a lot of hair loss,( not steroids, no suplemnts not even training and thought may hair loss was kind stable now) looked like I was 18 years old again, there was hair everywhere, I lost a lot of density, both native and transplanted hair, but at least I m always better than before, in case I don't want to have another one , I can also do SMP which will be much better now having already done an HT.

this to say if started doing FIN before or right after HT probably maintain a lot of result or even improve .

i have friends that had better hair than me and , they have done HT 1or 2 years after mine, and know they are worst than me. some going for SMP others another HT but unfortunately, as long as they don't take fin/dut they will always lose a large part of the result and waste the donor area
it all depends on the person. I’ve seen men in their 80s who have receded but barely. Some guy from school hit 20 and started going bald. By 25 he was a Norwood 6. Some peeps get a HT and never take meds and they do fine.

I’m not saying a 5ARi isn’t necessary for some or even most people. I’m saying for some people they don’t need it. This assumes that you’re able to maintain aesthetic hair despite MPB progression, or that you have enough donor hair for more HTs, or that your MPB has plateaued.

If you do take a 5ARi, you’re stuck between taking it for life or coming off and losing all of the hair you’ve kept within a few months. And this is all assuming that non-DHT androgens can’t stimulate MPB anyway.

if you take a 5ARi you’re chancing side effects that some people report are semi-permanent, and if you come off it you lose all the hair you kept, and maybe you’ll go bald anyway from non-reduced androgens.

If you don’t take one, you’re chancing losing hair forever that you may be able to keep. If you get a HT maybe you’ll lose more hair and need to buzz it anyway.

So either way you’re taking chances and maybe you’re gonna feel shit either way.


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