Do I need more E2 or Asin was too much?


New Member
So I finished a cycle test + primo about 5 weeks ago and went back to cruising with 105mg Test E + 1000iu hcg week in a MWF fashion.

Got bloods last saturday:

Testosterone 851ng/dL (240 - 816 ng/dL)

Free T 724,8 pmol/L (131 - 640 pmol/L)

Estradiol 7,9 ng/dL (1,1 - 4,3 ng/dL)

Cortisol 13,8 microg/dL (6,0 - 18,4 microg/dL)

Prolactin 15 microg/L (up to 20 microg/L)

SHBG 30 nmol/L (18 - 54 nmol/l)

TSH 2,6 mUI/L (0,45 - 4,5 mUI/L)

Free T4 1,6 ng/dL (0,9 - 1,7 ng/dL)

Free T3 0,26 ng/dL (0,23 - 0,42 ng/dL)

DHT N/A as of yet (250.0 - 990.0 pg/ml)

Progesterone 17 ng/dL (up to 33 ng/dL)

Hematocrit 47.1% (39,2 - 49,0%)

I was not feeling very well. I had:

  1. Puffy nipples
  2. Poor libido (I would only have morning wood and spontaneus erections in non-pin days)
  3. Not losing much weight despite being in a caloric deficit
I then took bloods and on monday decided to take 12.5mg of Asin due to E2 being high/not ideal T:E ratio. I also took 0.5mg of Cabergoline.

It took me 2 days to feel some thing, and it was not good.

1)Incredible fatigue, brain fog, just wanted to take a nap, depression feelings, very achey. Gym was a joke.
2) Libido non-existent, but funnily enough penis and balls hanging absurdily low for a few days. No dick sensitivity. Tried to masturbate and erection was poor and I would lose it fast, despite taking 5-10mg tadalafil per day.
3) Actually I felt more bloated.
4) Very constipated

I kept my protocol and today was the first day that I had morning wood since wednesday.

So what is wrong? Was 12.5mg Asin too much? My E2 level was actually "low" for me? Maybe Caber would suffice with the symptoms?

Thanks, guys.
No way to know what your E2 is without another test. Many things cause the symptoms you have. When having an issue i tend to only add 1 new drug at a time otherwise there is no way to know which or if both are responsible for any changes,.
You have to get routine bloods with a particular protocol and asjust accordingly. Then test more after said adjustment. You can't take this or that a couple times, get bloods, then make more adjustments. You have to give your body time to stabalize across the board otherwise you will just be chasing your tail.
Can you explain what's that range of prolactin? Because it seems low, and if it's low i wonder why you took caber (and a big dose)? 12,5mg aromasin i doubt made you feel all those symptoms, i was recently with 91pg/ml and took in a week 4 doses of 12,5mg to get it down, never felt anything with aromasin..maybe you don't respond well though but all these symptoms sound a lil strange.
No way to know what your E2 is without another test. Many things cause the symptoms you have. When having an issue i tend to only add 1 new drug at a time otherwise there is no way to know which or if both are responsible for any changes,.
I'm taking bloods next week
You have to get routine bloods with a particular protocol and asjust accordingly. Then test more after said adjustment. You can't take this or that a couple times, get bloods, then make more adjustments. You have to give your body time to stabalize across the board otherwise you will just be chasing your tail.
I've been 5 weeks on this protocol. But yes, you're right.
Can you explain what's that range of prolactin? Because it seems low, and if it's low i wonder why you took caber (and a big dose)? 12,5mg aromasin i doubt made you feel all those symptoms, i was recently with 91pg/ml and took in a week 4 doses of 12,5mg to get it down, never felt anything with aromasin..maybe you don't respond well though but all these symptoms sound a lil strange.
I believe 20 would be the max range for a male. I remember the minimum being 4.5 or 5.

Yes, it's strange