Evening gents,

The purpose of this thread is to make an ALL-IN-ONE, consolidated list of important particulars for MESO members and non-members alike in reference to “things to think about before starting your first cycle of AAS.”


I am by no means an AAS specialist, quite the opposite. I recently finished my first cycle and made many mistakes along the way; some very serious and some very minor...but many nonetheless.

If this thread serves to save even 1% of first-timers from making the same mistakes that I made, then I would consider my efforts worthwhile! Feel free to add-on! (I’m sure I haven’t covered everything)


Start with a small dose and stick with one, yes ONE compound(TEST IS BEST). I gained 35lbs(20lbs quality muscle) on my first cycle of 500mg’s of Testosterone Cypionate. I’m fully convinced that I could have obtained near-identical results from HALF of this dose(with the added benefit of having less side-effects)…but there's no telling now.

(While results will vary person-to-person based on a large variety of factors including-but-not-limited-to height, weight, age, diet, training, body composition, metabolic health, etc.)-You MAY NOT need a very large dose to achieve desirable results, despite what the “bros” on Reddit tell you.

On to running one compound; The last few weeks of my cycle I added several oral AAS simultaneously…this was a critical error. If serious health problems are to occur while you are on multiple compounds(as they did for me), you will have no way of identifying the problematic compound in any definitive manner. DO NOT presume to know how a certain compound will affect you based on the anecdotes of other people. You are not other people, you are you. Keep it simple.


Scrambling around last minute for proper PCT meds is as stressful as it is STUPID. I had no way of knowing that my PCT pack would get seized by customs. There is ALWAYS a risk of seizure associated with buying meds both internationally and domestically(no matter how small that risk may be). Sitting there with a seizure letter, crashed testosterone, and your dick in your hand is not a good position to be in.

Having your PCT meds and AI’s IN YOUR POSSESSION before taking your first dose of AAS is of the utmost importance; Don’t start until you have everything on hand.


By now you know that pharmaceutical-grade PCT, AI’s, and other meds can be 2-3x(even 4x) more expensive than UGL-grade meds. Considering that your entire quality of life rests solely upon you being able to restore your natural hormone production post-cycle; paying the extra money is worth it to have legitimate and properly dosed medication. This should be fairly obvious. Don’t cheap out.


I recently scheduled an appointment to get bloodwork so that I can determine whether or not my hormone production has fully recovered and returned to normal. There’s just one dilemma; I don’t know what “normal” is…because my know-it-all ass didn’t get pre-cycle bloodwork done.

*Shakes head in disappointment*

Luckily, I was able to dig up some partial bloodwork from a year prior by contacting and old doctor of mine, so at least I have some sort of reference range for my natural hormone production and other general health markers. But don’t be that idiot; Get pre-cycle bloodwork.


Keep in mind that if you use Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate(because of the elimination half-lives of these esters), you will have to wait 4-6 weeks after your last injection to start your PCT, and even longer (6-8 weeks) for Testosterone Undecylenate and other longer esters.

The 5 weeks that I had to wait before running my SERMS were some of the most grueling weeks I have every experienced in my lifetime, and the bouts of depression that I went through were very concerning to myself, my friends, and my family… to say the least.

While not everyone will be affected in this manner; YOU MAY save yourself a lot of trouble and avoid this crash completely by running shorter esters like Acetate, Propionate, or Phenylpropionate for the duration of your first cycle(This will make it possible for you to start your PCT 2-12 days after your last injection).

Another option is just switching to short esters for the last 4-6 weeks of your first cycle, depending on the former ester in question.


I don’t regret running my first cycle of AAS at age 23. But, if I could do it over, I would’ve spent way more time(like years more) researching and expanding my knowledge of AAS before ever using. It certainly won’t kill you to wait a little while longer, having some patience and doing your due-diligence will only enhance the safety and efficacy of your first go-around with anabolic steroids.

If you’re my age(or younger), just ask yourself…Are you sure that you want to use AAS? Are you really sure? You better be just as sure of it as you are sure that the sky is blue. Have you done enough research? Are there gaps in your knowledge? Can you make more natural progress? No? How do you know that? Have you increased your caloric intake significantly?

Sleep on it, and then sleep on it some more.
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Nice little write up there man, and every person who's new to the gear game ought to read this several times and understand this.
Nice little write up there man, and every person who's new to the gear game ought to read this several times and understand this.
Thanks! Well, that's the idea. If I had known all of this before diving into the deep end, I likely wouldn't have smashed my head on the bottom of the pool. This is just from my own personal experience, hopefully others will explicate the subject further based on their experiences aswell.
Thanks Malaka. Even though you labeled me as retarded after my first or second post, I appreciate the information.

For those of you that see your doctor for blood work, does the doctor see the results and straight up ask you what you been up to? Are some of you just straight forward with the doctor before they even ask?
For those of you that see your doctor for blood work, does the doctor see the results and straight up ask you what you been up to? Are some of you just straight forward with the doctor before they even ask?

I see my doc every 6.5 - 7 months. This allows me to blast for 3.5ish and cruise the remainder. Bloodwork has always came back fine with no questions asked. Pretty sure my doc would be cool as he is not stupid and we’ve had talks about my goals and such but it’s still a line I do not cross.

Probably need to add that my blast are not crazy. Haven’t even went as high as 500 test in years and typically just run primo, var and hgh so this probably plays a factor in my body bouncing back in time for labs
Some good rules of thumb to follow, but my pessimistic mind can't help but think your target audience won't take the time to thoroughly read it because that would take precious minutes away from them frantically searching the first post of every source on the first page for an email address.
Some good rules of thumb to follow, but my pessimistic mind can't help but think your target audience won't take the time to thoroughly read it because that would take precious minutes away from them frantically searching the first post of every source on the first page for an email address.
Fuck em' they get what they deserve.
Keep in mind that if you use Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate(because of the elimination half-lives of these esters), you will have to wait 4-6 weeks after your last injection to start your PCT

I've never seen someone wait that long to start PCT. Usually it's 14 to 20 days, with enanthate being closer to 14 days and cyp closer to 20 days (due to their slightly differing half-lives).
I've never seen someone wait that long to start PCT. Usually it's 14 to 20 days, with enanthate being closer to 14 days and cyp closer to 20 days (due to their slightly differing half-lives).
Test Cyp has an elimination half-life of 21-30 days no? So I guess if you want to err on the side of caution, you'd wait 4 weeks-5 weeks, as I did. But I suppose you don't have to wait that long.
Terminal half life of cyp is 5 days and for enanthate it's 4.5 days. Going by 4 half-lifes for drug elimination (although 4-5 half lifes is frequently quoted), that's 20 days for cyp and 18 days for enanthate.

If you want to be extra careful you could wait a few more days, but I figure starting the PCT drugs as soon as it makes sense to will help with some of the depression.
I've never seen someone wait that long to start PCT. Usually it's 14 to 20 days, with enanthate being closer to 14 days and cyp closer to 20 days (due to their slightly differing half-lives).
Thought the rule of thumb was 4 weeks and maybe 5 weeks if using over a gram a week of gear. But the standard protocol of waiting 4 weeks after last pin should do no harm before starting PCT.
I would add into the the dont cheap out and bloodwork sections that once your general health markers are established, use health sups as needed. Something I wish I had known about way back when. Lipid, prostate, kidney and liver support etc.
I like that you put this post together.

Following you here through each of these blunders, as they occurred, was entertaining too though.
So you think you could have gotten the same results on 250mg's? I'm in no hurry to start but I'm back and forth on if I should run 300 or 500 test for my first cycle. Does anyone have any experience with around 250mgs for their first cycle?
So you think you could have gotten the same results on 250mg's? I'm in no hurry to start but I'm back and forth on if I should run 300 or 500 test for my first cycle. Does anyone have any experience with around 250mgs for their first cycle?
I started @ around 300/wk and titrated up to a little i over 500 on a 18wk cycle just see how i handled it. I was fat tho when i started so i was worried about E2.

Your best bet tho is to get your training and diet on track then when your rolling add in some gear when your comfortable that your in a good place. I wouldn’t have had to deal with so many sides if i got my bf down but i was dedicated to the plan so i hit it hard.
So you think you could have gotten the same results on 250mg's? I'm in no hurry to start but I'm back and forth on if I should run 300 or 500 test for my first cycle. Does anyone have any experience with around 250mgs for their first cycle?
Also get blood work before you inject anything. This should be your first priority if you commit. Its cheap and easy and it’s invaluable to know your base line.