Do you go to cruise during an athletic tournament?

2 days a week full body is a good place to start. Maybe try splitting your weight room sessions into a heavy upper/ dynamic lower, heavy lower/dynamic upper so your not killing your whole body at once plus working on speed/foce production will have way more benefits than just simply training in the hypertrophy range for BJJ.
Something else that I fined helped tremendously is adding in plyometrics and corrective exercises for active recovery.
I will give that a shot. What do you mean by corrective exercises?
Kinda like stuff a physiotherapist would suggest like; T.K.E's, banded pull parts, glute bridges, bird dogs all that jazz. I do really find they have been helping with my overall recovery since I implemented them religiously.
Kinda like stuff a physiotherapist would suggest like; T.K.E's, banded pull parts, glute bridges, bird dogs all that jazz. I do really find they have been helping with my overall recovery since I implemented them religiously.
I can add those on my day off. So you think it is just the extra workload that is zapping my conditioning and not the extra androgens? I am liking the test/npp/mast.
Iv never experienced a massive conditioning drop off especially from 800mg/week total not to say it can't happen but adding in strength training is a huge strain on the CNS especially in the beginning. You're body should adapt eventually but the key is not "overtraining" look into stuff from Phil Daru, Steven sahyoun, Chad Wesley Smith
Training like a bodybuilder for combat sports is far from optimal especially if your brining sets to complete failure constantly.
If you’re worried about endurance you shouldn’t be using tren. If you want the aggression use halotestin, and if I were in a sport that required endurance I would be using EPO for sure.
Iv never experienced a massive conditioning drop off especially from 800mg/week total not to say it can't happen but adding in strength training is a huge strain on the CNS especially in the beginning. You're body should adapt eventually but the key is not "overtraining" look into stuff from Phil Daru, Steven sahyoun, Chad Wesley Smith
Training like a bodybuilder for combat sports is far from optimal especially if your brining sets to complete failure constantly.
You were right about the loss of cardio being from a lack of recovery. I made several changes but my cardio came back in time for my comp. I ended up taking double gold this last weekend. I appreciate the help.
You were right about the loss of cardio being from a lack of recovery. I made several changes but my cardio came back in time for my comp. I ended up taking double gold this last weekend. I appreciate the help.
That's aswome man, congratulations!
It's definitely a trap most people fall into when starting S&C for BJJ way to much volume. Glad I could help.
It may not go for everyone, but I am CERTAINLY less athletic on blast than I am while off or cruise dose. Between intense pumps and cramps, I’m a fraction as useful as I am compared to the less enhanced version of me
Old post I know, but it's the same for me.

250mg Testosterone or less I'm much more athletic and flexible. Higher dosages = more muscular, bigger presence and stronger.