Do you have IRL friends you talk about your gear use with?


I was super excited to try some new injection sites and I realized the only person I can tell about it would be my spouse, who would probably think the excitement is bizarre and worry about me. Made me sad and I wondered how many of you have people not online /forums that you can discuss this stuff with openly?
It is legal in my country to use. Socially frowned upon of course. But at some point it just became so obvious that I was on gear so didn't really avoid talking about it with anyone. Other former gym bros who maybe lost motivation over the years, I tried avoid telling too much so they wouldn't try.

Most rather just avoid the subject. Everyone has at one point at gym wondered about them and finding more about them might be the tipping point. Of course heard the questions did balls shrunk and does dick work, for both I've offered friends that they can sure try my dick and balls if they are really that interested. Side effects are a curiosity and the biggest source of wonder is often that you take at least the same amount of side effect reducing drugs and supplements as AAS. Sometimes just for the shock value I list everything I use and their main medical purpose.

What is your new injection site? I think I need to test some new sites since past month I've hit inside a vein two or three times getting that "tren" cough real nasty for 15min.
Only with my training partner and we are both on trt only most of the time. The more people around you know the more exposed you are even if there are zero legal ramifications where I live.
AED17BE6-4B1B-478A-9A93-AACF48A7D895.jpegThis is a nice little injection site if you can get to it. I don’t personally know any users so my poor Mrs gets all my excited rants about new ways to build muscle and new sites to try etc
View attachment 258939This is a nice little injection site if you can get to it. I don’t personally know any users so my poor Mrs gets all my excited rants about new ways to build muscle and new sites to try etc
Same here. It’s mainly my wife that gets to hear all about it. I don’t try to conceal my use from anyone, but I don’t have many friends that seriously train either.

I’ll have to try that spot. I’ve definitely got to find some new spots to rotate, tho. I think I’m starting to get some scar tissue even though I use insulin syringes. One place I’ll never try again are anywhere on my thighs. Every time I try I can barely walk for two days following.
Same here. It’s mainly my wife that gets to hear all about it. I don’t try to conceal my use from anyone, but I don’t have many friends that seriously train either.

I’ll have to try that spot. I’ve definitely got to find some new spots to rotate, tho. I think I’m starting to get some scar tissue even though I use insulin syringes. One place I’ll never try again are anywhere on my thighs. Every time I try I can barely walk for two days following.
Nah I’m same I used to get asked a lot working on building sites about my use, living in a small minded area we get looked down upon as bad as heroin addicts, people hear needle and just associate it with bad.

I was pinning .5cc of Test Prop into each a day. After 3 days your arms get a nice swell to them. Every time I try quads I get lightling bolts so I mainly use delts bi and tris. All with insulin pins
So....what are the new injection sites? ha. My hips need to recoup.
I hit outer biceps, looking at a diagram, brachialis? And I hit lats. First time for both. I usually stick to delts and pecs but will be pinning more so need to branch out.
Only with my training partner and we are both on trt only most of the time. The more people around you know the more exposed you are even if there are zero legal ramifications where I live.
That’s a great point about potential exposure.
Yeah, I’ve got a couple buddies who share the same passion I have for the lifestyle. Iget lost in conversation EASY with our rants rambling on about any change in diet or how we’re feeling, new tweaks to training etc.
My brother only. We both started gear around the same time 9-10yrs ago. We use the same sources, he has a user name on here too but he never logs on he just lurks.
No. Pretty much my entire life is me being excited about things alone. I don't really have any close friends...just casual shallow co-worker type friends. My wife doesn't care about anything I do so I don't really talk her. My GF would be willing to listen, but she just wouldn't get it.
I don't find it's worth talking about with most people. I few close friends I'll tell about TRT, or maybe a new friend who I think could benefit from it. But even with TRT, a lot of people come in with their own preconceptions and judgements, and those without open minds will just lump you into that mental box they've premade called "meathead." Only worth talking about with people you know can have an actual dialogue with.
I go to a bodybuilding gym so.. pretty much anyone there who asks once we get talking about competing and pushing food/training then it gravitates to drugs
In person we don't talk seriously, mostly just joking around about crazy/dangerous cycles and combinations.

The more serious talk and advice is on a private forum, most of us know each other IRL but talk online anyway. This is the world we live in now.
My wife knows, and disapproves :p
It's difficult to talk to her about it.

I also have a few friends and colleagues who know.

And in the gym, when people come to me, asking if I already used gear, I don't lie. But I don't advice anyone to do gear either...

I don't really care who knows, and who doesn't, I don't need approval of anybody to do things with my own body.
GF knows and loves it. My gym buddy is now my cycle buddy so we can discuss whatever. Thats about it. But there is something to be said about circles small. Lord knows what would happen if rumors start flying.