Gear talk at the gym

dude wtf gym do you train at planet fitness? about 90% of people that go to my gym blast gear even the females and everyone is really open about it selling to eachother ive sold to a few guys. You need to find a more hardcore gym.
Hell yeah when I walk into the gym I let everyone know I’m carrying and got them at a good discount. Then I’ll charge ‘em 90 bucks for a vial of test c lol

I am that guy pal
I paid $110 per vial for my first 3 vials of testosterone lol. And this was like 2009.Test E from Teva Labs. I’m gonna punch the guy that sold them to me in the dick next time I see him again for ripping me off. I thought we were buddies. He actually tried to set me up with his sister, oddly enough. But I had no idea at the time how much a vial of Test costed so I paid my $330 with a smile and gratitude lol.

In hindsight it was actually worth it.
But I never bought gears locally after that. The dude that sold them to me ended up being one of those dudes on a Bachelorette knock off show on CW a few years later lol. Like a southern/country version of The Bachelor. He was one of the 50 dudes selected to date the bachelorette. He was one of the first 15 guys cut IIRC.
I've had 1 guy approach me and ask what I'm on. I played dumb at first but then he kept asking so i told him to walk away and gave him a pissed off look.

More than a few times I've had women mutter "steroids" to their friends as I walk by them. One older woman thats a regular at my gym was chit chatting with me and flat out asked me if I take steroids, that one I just smiled and continued our conversation. She's a nice lady and I didn't want to be rude to her.

no one but my wife and mother know I take steroids
There is a really wide range presented here. From the no one knows crowd to the trading product in the locker room type.

I don’t ever talk to the under 30 crown but I’m blown away that 70s pornstar mustache, mullets and broccoli head haircuts are such the rage, maybe their lack of fashion sense has me questioning judgement and evaporating any trust that they could have an adult discussion about AAS. So I just avoid that entire age range
There is a really wide range presented here. From the no one knows crowd to the trading product in the locker room type.

I don’t ever talk to the under 30 crown but I’m blown away that 70s pornstar mustache, mullets and broccoli head haircuts are such the rage, maybe their lack of fashion sense has me questioning judgement and evaporating any trust that they could have an adult discussion about AAS. So I just avoid that entire age range
I still have a 70's porn stache lol
Unfortunately not all countries are the same in the way of culture, i wish in my country that thing wasn't a taboo. In the place i live i know many guys they're on and none admits it. Maybe they feel embarassed (?), or they just wanna act like they're some of the natural genetic freaks while in reality the guys that are on PED's 9/10 times look worse than some true nattys who put the real work in.. At least this is the rule at my gym, of course they are exceptions and we have some guys competing in nationals but really none discusses about it and that for me it's lame. You can hear them arguing about what's the best pre or whey, but PED? Did you just assume i aint natty? lol I'd like to discuss though with other responsible individuals but almost everyone i know who's on gear from my gym i doubt he's ever had a bloodwork to see what's going on. They just go to that one guy, ex bodybuilder and they end up on test, tren, even anadrols..they do their cycle and then they look worse than before they start.
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It's very obvious who is using at my gym. A few older guys 35-40s and a handful of younger dudes. When I'm at the gym I basically space out and just focus on what I'm doing and get out.
I've had a few approach me 1st with a compliment after they find out my age. Then they ask me what's my secret. All I say is "time" lots of fucking time! Then they usually always ask about my calves. I just say it's genetic mom and dad were both blessed with big calves.
I'm of the mindset that gear use is personal. I don't need to talk about it. I'm sure they all know I'm at least on trt, I'm over 50 afterall. I don't sell, give to friends, or share sources. The only people who know I'm on trt are direct family. And only my wife knows I occasionally blast.
I've lived by a modified version of " if you're gonna do drugs stay home"! I keep my life choice personal and it stays home.
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It's very obvious who is using at my gym. A few older guys 35-40s and a handful of younger dudes. When I'm at the gym I basically space out and just focus on what I'm doing and get out.
I've had a few approach me 1st with a compliment after they find out my age. Then they ask me what's my secret. All I say is "time" lots of fucking time!
I'm of the mindset that gear use is personal. I don't need to talk about it. I'm sure they all know I'm at least on trt, I'm over 50 afterall. I don't sell, give to friends, or share sources. The only people who know I'm on trt are direct family. And only my wife knows I occasionally blast.
I've live by a modified version of " if you're gonna do drugs stay home"! I keep my life choice personal and it stays home.
Is that coming from a legal standpoint or just personal beliefs? No judging here, just trying to understand.

I think if you just go to someone you barely know and talked to and ask him if he's on gear, it's pretty fucking dumb. If you earn his respect, then why not?

Also, it's different if you get asked by a natty or someone you clearly understand he's on gear.
Is that coming from a legal standpoint or just personal beliefs? No judging here, just trying to understand.

I think if you just go to someone you barely know and talked to and ask him if he's on gear, it's pretty fucking dumb. If you earn his respect, then why not?

Also, it's different if you get asked by a natty or someone you clearly understand he's on gear.
Both. I believe if you're gonna use gear you need to put in the time and research. It's not my responsibility nor place to enlighten anyone. This forum is the exception.
I really think the gym you train at will be the difference. there is many competitors, people in prep, fucking tons of just gym bros who blast hella gear (myself i dont compete but use tons of gear) but its nice becasue it doesnt have to be weird when someone asks you what youre on or asks about certain drugs and your experience. I had this young dude like 19 straight up walked up to me and say "I have tons of respect for you so dont take this the wrong way but are you natural?" haha I said no. hes like can you get me gear? I said yes. and the only reason i said yes is cuz this dude has unreal genetics like pro potential. reminds me of reagan grimes and hes like 6 feet tall this dude could be a monster so i thought fuck ill help this kid out he wants to be a pro someday.
I really think the gym you train at will be the difference. there is many competitors, people in prep, fucking tons of just gym bros who blast hella gear (myself i dont compete but use tons of gear) but its nice becasue it doesnt have to be weird when someone asks you what youre on or asks about certain drugs and your experience. I had this young dude like 19 straight up walked up to me and say "I have tons of respect for you so dont take this the wrong way but are you natural?" haha I said no. hes like can you get me gear? I said yes. and the only reason i said yes is cuz this dude has unreal genetics like pro potential. reminds me of reagan grimes and hes like 6 feet tall this dude could be a monster so i thought fuck ill help this kid out he wants to be a pro someday.
lol i see this at my gym some youngster that has good genetics but his training is shit and i wanna jump in and be like bro you could be a fucking monster!!! but he plays on his phone for like 15-25 minutes a session maybe even more thats a low ball tbh. So i just blast death metal and lift and focus on being a monster myself.
I really think the gym you train at will be the difference. there is many competitors, people in prep, fucking tons of just gym bros who blast hella gear (myself i dont compete but use tons of gear) but its nice becasue it doesnt have to be weird when someone asks you what youre on or asks about certain drugs and your experience. I had this young dude like 19 straight up walked up to me and say "I have tons of respect for you so dont take this the wrong way but are you natural?" haha I said no. hes like can you get me gear? I said yes. and the only reason i said yes is cuz this dude has unreal genetics like pro potential. reminds me of reagan grimes and hes like 6 feet tall this dude could be a monster so i thought fuck ill help this kid out he wants to be a pro someday.

I seen ur other post, what do u go to planet fittness lmao, I dont go to the gym to talk, let alone talk about gear, plenty of that here on meso, though I'm not ashamed of it an will entertain to not be rude or fake.

Help the kid out or help ur pockets out lol ? at least hes 19 and not a 14-18 year old that's already on gear like in my football days. I think u could have helped him out a million times more by just telling him check out meso rx, than selling him a vial of test. Did u tell him he should do blood work first? What if he had crazy high natty test levels he could have milked for few more years. You talk about regan I'd put money on him never being able to have a kid of his own over him placing in the top 5 of a olympia.

Ur juice head so I dont expect u to relate lol. I just think differently now that I'm older and have young athletes of my own.

You wouldent believe how many friends/ team mates of mine started gear in high school or shortly after, that are always crying to me that they want kids now like I do and they're wifes are so upset they cant make children. I feel horrible for them, I can only imagine how inadequate they feel. Only to loose thousands of dollars for fertility treatment or invitro, hell even have another man knock their wife up.

I know it doesn't happen to everyone, but most do have fertility problems look at vigourus steve, I'd bet a good amount of bodybuilders that Have kids are actually they're wifes eggs and another mans sperm, turkey basted.
I seen ur other post, what do u go to planet fittness lmao, I dont go to the gym to talk, let alone talk about gear, plenty of that here on meso, though I'm not ashamed of it an will entertain to not be rude or fake.

Help the kid out or help ur pockets out lol ? at least hes 19 and not a 14-18 year old that's already on gear like in my football days. I think u could have helped him out a million times more by just telling him check out meso rx, than selling him a vial of test. Did u tell him he should do blood work first? What if he had crazy high natty test levels he could have milked for few more years. You talk about regan I'd put money on him never being able to have a kid of his own over him placing in the top 5 of a olympia.

Ur juice head so I dont expect u to relate lol. I just think differently now that I'm older and have young athletes of my own.

You wouldent believe how many friends/ team mates of mine started gear in high school or shortly after, that are always crying to me that they want kids now like I do and they're wifes are so upset they cant make children. I feel horrible for them, I can only imagine how inadequate they feel. Only to loose thousands of dollars for fertility treatment or invitro, hell even have another man knock their wife up.

I know it doesn't happen to everyone, but most do have fertility problems look at vigourus steve, I'd bet a good amount of bodybuilders that Have kids are actually they're wifes eggs and another mans sperm, turkey basted.
oh yeah i for sure told him once you go down that road theres no coming back. hes like yeah i want to be a pro, and the dude was training hard natty he was always there for a few years so i knew he was serioius about bodybuilding. but yeah i started gear really young. restoring fertility is something that can be accomplised if you are willing to come off for a decent perioid of time.
I talk about it openly with the handful of guys I know are on gear. Hell the GM is everyone but my supplier lol. He’s also making a killing on coaching them all too. Several of the older guys are on trt and that’s all we really discuss but a couple of the guys go hard with some serious juice but they’re big AF too and actually look like it. Anyone else? Creatine and protein bro lol