Wanna look like a physique competitors? Why you'll probably have to take more than them

definitely tricked into microdoses...
a few years ago starter doses of tren were 500mg e or 525-700mg ace
350mg ace was considered a low dose
you literally didn't see anyone taking less than that, now certain people are saying they are taking less than 10x the lowest dose people just a few years ago were taking. less than an amp per week...

we've entered the same levels of lying as the Golden Era guys and they think its funny

because if you tell everyone they should be blowing up on 240mg test 150 primo 10mg anavar, and they dont get results, they are going to be a slave to the fitness guru algorithim to fix the problem and pay you or your associate for the magic amount of chicken and rice to eat per day

these influencer guys dont even just lie about their usage, they'll go out of their way to lie for other guys usage aswell, its a reflex.

Person A says on person B's podcast they cruise on 750mg.
2 months later
Person B wants to make a point about dosing/diet and says
"Look at person A, they just take TRT they still look huge"
a few years ago starter doses of tren were 500mg e or 525-700mg ace
This was literally never a reality.

Starting doses of tren years ago were 152mg a week (two amps of parabolin) and people were still talking them about how insanely strong it was.

No reasonably minded or informed person from that point until now has never called 500mg of tren e as a "starting dose"

350mg is still a high dose of tren.
definitely tricked into microdoses...
a few years ago starter doses of tren were 500mg e or 525-700mg ace
350mg ace was considered a low dose
you literally didn't see anyone taking less than that, now certain people are saying they are taking less than 10x the lowest dose people just a few years ago were taking. less than an amp per week...

we've entered the same levels of lying as the Golden Era guys and they think its funny

because if you tell everyone they should be blowing up on 240mg test 150 primo 10mg anavar, and they dont get results, they are going to be a slave to the fitness guru algorithim to fix the problem and pay you or your associate for the magic amount of chicken and rice to eat per day

these influencer guys dont even just lie about their usage, they'll go out of their way to lie for other guys usage aswell, its a reflex.

Person A says on person B's podcast they cruise on 750mg.
2 months later
Person B wants to make a point about dosing/diet and says
"Look at person A, they just take TRT they still look huge"
You must be very young, your perception of time is different than mine. This is the only time that people are admitting how high they were pushing the envelope.

Nobody, I mean nobody 80’s,90’s and 00’s guys ever admitted the total extent of their ped usage, aside from ratting out dead legends like Nasser and the gh15 protocols, no one talks about their usage personally.

Nowadays, you have YouTube personalities documenting their mega dosage blasts, pros and coaches talking about grams cycles in the open.

Plus hear is readily available every where, there is no need to wonder if you can or not grow with high dosages all you have to do is try it yourself.

I am not advocating you do it, I am just stating the fact that you can megadose all you want now a days and nobody will care.
This was literally never a reality.

Starting doses of tren years ago were 152mg a week (two amps of parabolin) and people were still talking them about how insanely strong it was.

No reasonably minded or informed person from that point until now has never called 500mg of tren e as a "starting dose"

350mg is still a high dose of tren.
my first pin was more than a decade ago, all my friends including myself started at 525, everyone we talked to recommended 700.

500 test with 500 deca or 500 test with 500 tren e were the cycles you ran after your first 500mg test and dbol cycle.

talk to anyone who got into gear in the 2010s and they for sure ran tren at 700mg+

im not saying this is good or we should be running that much tren, trust me, i wish I was only doing 250mg tren e back then, my point is that times have changed
my first pin was more than a decade ago, all my friends including myself started at 525, everyone we talked to recommended 700.

500 test with 500 deca or 500 test with 500 tren e were the cycles you ran after your first 500mg test and dbol cycle.

talk to anyone who got into gear in the 2010s and they for sure ran tren at 700mg+

im not saying this is good or we should be running that much tren, trust me, i wish I was only doing 250mg tren e back then, my point is that times have changed
I do not remember this at all in the 2010s . . . and the beginning of that decade is right about when I started. I was active on several boards back then, which is where I learned about diet and gear.
my first pin was more than a decade ago, all my friends including myself started at 525, everyone we talked to recommended 700.

500 test with 500 deca or 500 test with 500 tren e were the cycles you ran after your first 500mg test and dbol cycle.

talk to anyone who got into gear in the 2010s and they for sure ran tren at 700mg+

im not saying this is good or we should be running that much tren, trust me, i wish I was only doing 250mg tren e back then, my point is that times have changed
I think your experience might not be indicative of the gear using community at large.

I was not involved in the community at that point, but out of all the old threads, podcasts, interviews ECT I've never heard or had the impression that such extreme usage was commonplace.

I'm sure users now are more aware then ten years ago, but from my perspective from the 3rd party information I've consumed as someone who did not use at the time, i hadn't heard of extreme usage as such being that widespread
500 test with 500 deca or 500 test with 500 tren e were the cycles you ran after your first 500mg test and dbol cycle.
WOW! That seems like a shit ton of gear. I bet if you took that you would be jacked AF! If I take 350 Test C with 150 Tren A my wife is saying "You arm and shoulder are bigger than my head" Lol
I do not remember this at all in the 2010s . . . and the beginning of that decade is right about when I started. I was active on several boards back then, which is where I learned about diet and gear.
yeah im nuts then, me and all my friends first cycles were big by todays standards. One did 500mg test and 50mg dbol with no a.i on a real dirty bulk. dianabol is something magical. im pretty sure that guy went from repping 135lb incline to 225lb+ in 4 weeks, dont think he did legs either
I started being pressured into gear my football years 2000- 2008ish? But was persuaded against or of have my ass beat lol

Never had the inclination untill in my 30,s diagnosed with low t under 300 mg per deciliter? Natty.

My wife is now now my bb coach to keep things balanced, being a NR she helps.
im 6'1 and didnt touch gear until i was 28, im 31 now.
I started with the stock standard 500mg of test for 12 weeks for my first cycle and didnt exceed that for my first year and a half of gear use.

As a competitor i sure as hope i at least look like one.

Your premise is flawed and just floundering for excuses as to why you dont have the results you want to make up for your lack of consistency and effort.
It perplexes me how some people think that gear is the only requirement to a good physique.

Usually it is hate from natty lifters who are jealous of those who are bigger than them.

Consistency, effort, diet, and genetics all play important roles.

Gear is a prerequisite, but not sufficient by itself.
im 6'1 and didnt touch gear until i was 28, im 31 now.
I started with the stock standard 500mg of test for 12 weeks for my first cycle and didnt exceed that for my first year and a half of gear use.

As a competitor i sure as hope i at least look like one.

Your premise is flawed and just floundering for excuses as to why you dont have the results you want to make up for your lack of consistency and effort.
Right, it's not accurate. Successful competitors rarely start gear early; otherwise they tend to peak early, as well.
Right, it's not accurate. Successful competitors rarely start gear early; otherwise they tend to peak early, as well.
I think that a lot of competitors today do start "early". Derek is almost exactly my age I think. To be a reigning open Olympia champ I'd assume you'd need at LEAST a decade of enhanced training, so under that assumptions he probably started in his very early 20s or earlier.

But I disagree with the premise of "if you didn't start taking 2 grams of gear at 16 you'll never look good" which is just asinine.