novice here with an unusual problem looking for help

just be honest if u are a fat klinefelter neet. The advice remains the same: u can take steroids to increase androgenic and anabolic developement. Its not magic if u want muscles u still need to train and eat right. Also after puberty increasing androgenic dht will still increase 2nd male sex chars somewhat but its more likely to make u lose your hair blow up your prostate and age rapidly than give u a better jawline or something.
"the advice remains the same" yes that's why I'm here and why I tried to get it without going into all that, but they wouldn't tell me without dragging that out off me and still didn't tell me choosing to prove my point instead.

now will you tell me what a HGH/IGF-1 dose/remain tying to fix this would be?
what 4drago gave u was good advice, 350mg test p,750 mast pa week, 3-5iu of hgh a day. thats a lot of injections though and short esters can hurt especially if u accidentally do subq. u should start with test e 500mg, mast e 500mg, keep it simple only 2 injections of 2 compounds a week. Can also add 2-5 ius of hgh subq everyday the hgh is a babyshot u can do subq in your belly fat so its easy to do everyday. That would be a good place to start for you and then ramp it up with more stuff or short esters as u get more experienced
what 4drago gave u was good advice, 350mg test p,750 mast pa week, 3-5iu of hgh a day. thats a lot of injections though and short esters can hurt especially if u accidentally do subq. u should start with test e 500mg, mast e 500mg, keep it simple only 2 injections of 2 compounds a week. Can also add 2-5 ius of hgh subq everyday the hgh is a babyshot u can do subq in your belly fat so its easy to do everyday. That would be a good place to start for you and then ramp it up with more stuff or short esters as u get more experienced
thank you for the information.
for context if you combined the population of next 3 towns it would still be less than 40,000 people.

and I've been in physical therapy for years so these number are accurate/official.

right now I'm 5'11.5"

(I was 6'4" but due to neuromuscular scoliosis I only hit that 2 times in as many years so, I count it as 6'2.5 as that was my standing height at any given point any given day)

back when I was 6'2.5"

went 4th of July mattress shopping 18 of the either 32 or 33 men (can't quite remember) I saw there were as tall or taller.

it's about a 3% chance to be 6'2"

(I am not a statistics major correct me if I'm wrong) but hitting a 3% chance 18 times is something like a 0.00000000644593109% chance.

about 2 times less likely than winning the jackpot in the lottery.

or put another way I had a 99.99999999355406891% chance of that not happening when I walked in the store.

or when I went to a club near the campus (still 6'2.5 then) I looked like a middle schooler got lost and wandered in.

out of the about 200 guys I was chest height to most of them,
I was only not shorter then 4 of them.

stuff like this happens every time I go outside.

I know what you are going to say "your making this up:, "your crazy", "that's impossible"
and I agree.
it SHOULD be impossible.

and having to deal with being screwed over by things with 100 million to 1 odds on a daily basis anyway is half of what drove me crazy.

that's why I don't want to give a number people will say you're fine and move on.

being 5'11.5" is not the problem. being in a situation where 5'11.5 buys you what 5'1 gets you almost everywhere else is.

being a college age man that looks like a middle schooler next to the other college age men(and the fucking highschoolers that use the ymca weight room)

is the problem.

I'm not going back outside till I'm tall enough to look like an adult next to other 20 something's
or they all have gigantism induced heart failure (or whatever it takes to fix what the fuck ever is wrong with here.

You are basically 6 feet tall. You're huge. Go get some boots or some lifts and keep your posture straight and you will look 6'4.

Let's be real; your issues have nothing to do with height but you are using height, an impossible thing to control at this point, as the thing/excuse to hold yourself back in life, so that you can make it impossible for yourself to progress in life.

For your own good, you need to re-evaluate your life and get real with yourself. Someone is coddling you or is keeping you in some sort of co-dependency situation. Family is enabling you and sabotaging you and you are also sabotaging yourself.

Your growth plates are closed or need to be closed. You are done growing. You will never be 6 feet 4 inches. Your goal is insane. It's time to accept your height, and move on with your life. If you feel short, move to a another area or a country with short people and feel you can feel like a giant. I know guys who did this and they're happy but they are like 5 feet 4. But most of the short guys I know never let their height effect them. They all became successful. In the real world, height isn't important. Height will not make you happy. I promise you.

Get out from wherever you are. You have to leave. Not waste time. You have to leave.

Your bones are rotting and you want to keep on taking Arimidex for another year? Wake up. You will break your hip before your experiment is finished if you don't stop TODAY.

You will never be a giant. Sorry. You also won't be happy if you suddenly grew and became 6'4. You will find something else to hold you back.

You need to stop this experiment today. Whenever I've seen a loss of 10% bone density in a hip, it was followed by a broken hip. Same with lumbar spine and compression fractures.
You are basically 6 feet tall. You're huge. Go get some boots or some lifts and keep your posture straight and you will look 6'4.

Let's be real; your issues have nothing to do with height but you are using height, an impossible thing to control at this point, as the thing/excuse to hold yourself back in life, so that you can make it impossible for yourself to progress in life.

For your own good, you need to re-evaluate your life and get real with yourself. Someone is coddling you or is keeping you in some sort of co-dependency situation. Family is enabling you and sabotaging you and you are also sabotaging yourself.

Your growth plates are closed or need to be closed. You are done growing. You will never be 6 feet 4 inches. Your goal is insane. It's time to accept your height, and move on with your life. If you feel short, move to a another area or a country with short people and feel you can feel like a giant. I know guys who did this and they're happy but they are like 5 feet 4. But most of the short guys I know never let their height effect them. They all became successful. In the real world, height isn't important. Height will not make you happy. I promise you.

Get out from wherever you are. You have to leave. Not waste time. You have to leave.

Your bones are rotting and you want to keep on taking Arimidex for another year? Wake up. You will break your hip before your experiment is finished if you don't stop TODAY.

You will never be a giant. Sorry. You also won't be happy if you suddenly grew and became 6'4. You will find something else to hold you back.

You need to stop this experiment today. Whenever I've seen a loss of 10% bone density in a hip, it was followed by a broken hip. Same with lumbar spine and compression fractures.
(first I was 6'4 again due to neuromuscular scoliosis I didn't look like it. I was in physical therapy for years they measured me and took scans.
I would know.)

again dirt poor less than 900$usd a month if I Left I literally couldn't afford both rent and food.

If I could afford to move I would have (though it would still do nothing about the shame of being a disfigured runt)

what you don't seem to understand is I am already dead and have nothing to lose trying this.

I have tried all of the thing you brought up before getting to this point.

for finances everyone in my family is poor and has no idea how to make money. and I have none to risk trying to learn.

social, born autistic. and spent the first half of my life getting the shit beat out of me some years almost everyday.

(that's why I was in psychotherapy since I was 3 and again didn't help)

and the second half being so far beneath other people's notice that I'm not even worth beating up anymore (most of the time).

education, born with dyslexia /rigid thinking from autism.

and traumatized from the aforementioned beatings.
so I have no stress tolerance, difficulty learning new things and my memory is shot.
there is no point in any academic pursuits.

all of that to say the reason I picked this is,
physical developments only uses chemistry which is an axiomatic system no ephemeral bullshit,

and using that to get the "halo effect" in my favor is the least impossible way to try getting any quality of life.
You can't expect an idiot to understand they are an idiot when you tell them they're an idiot!

I fucking knew you were a xxy...just knew it.
I really am an idiot as I thought you actually had a point to make.

and nope, my joint problems are from ehlers danlos, had chromosomal microarray done normal xy.

that's why having a DHT conversion ratio of 5 alpha 2 reductase deficiency level for (as far as every doctor I have access can tell) no reason pisses me off enough to just circumvent it entirely.
How to do you not look 6 ft 4in if you're 6 ft 4 inches. You're 6 ft 4 inch period.

Even 5 ft 11 is a decent height. There is no way you're "chest height" to everyone else at either height.

Covid made some interesting people and it seems you never got out of isolation. Being serious.
You can't even work at McDonald's, yet you're gonna pump aas and other hormones. And your not gonna be able to put in the training required to take advantage of any of these compounds? You're a fool, fooling yourself and everyone here. Your story keeps changing/updating. Now you're dyslexic and autistic.
Now you wanna know how to scam ssi so you can dump money into btc.
(first I was 6'4 again due to neuromuscular scoliosis I didn't look like it. I was in physical therapy for years they measured me and took scans.
I would know.)

again dirt poor less than 900$usd a month if I Left I literally couldn't afford both rent and food.

If I could afford to move I would have (though it would still do nothing about the shame of being a disfigured runt)

what you don't seem to understand is I am already dead and have nothing to lose trying this.

I have tried all of the thing you brought up before getting to this point.

for finances everyone in my family is poor and has no idea how to make money. and I have none to risk trying to learn.

social, born autistic. and spent the first half of my life getting the shit beat out of me some years almost everyday.

(that's why I was in psychotherapy since I was 3 and again didn't help)

and the second half being so far beneath other people's notice that I'm not even worth beating up anymore (most of the time).

education, born with dyslexia /rigid thinking from autism.

and traumatized from the aforementioned beatings.
so I have no stress tolerance, difficulty learning new things and my memory is shot.
there is no point in any academic pursuits.

all of that to say the reason I picked this is,
physical developments only uses chemistry which is an axiomatic system no ephemeral bullshit,

and using that to get the "halo effect" in my favor is the least impossible way to try getting any quality of life.
Your neurotic family/education system put you into the disability track of life. Let me tell you: if you go searching for a diagnosis you will get one (or as many as you want). Most of these diagnosis are bullshit. Your parent/s wanted government benefits/money so they diagnosed you with everything under the sun. Now you are in the permanent disability track of life and it's no way to live.

Forget everything you've ever been told. It's all bullshit, which is thrown at you to keep you in the system. If you were never allowed into this system and you were never given these diagnoses etc, you would be forced to function in society and you'd be living a completely different life.

You have to reinvent yourself. No excuses. Your mind is fine. You have to do something, anything. Almost anything different.......will get you out of this.

Brainstorm......pen to paper......start writing.......your goals.......ideas........and don't stop until you find solutions. Those solutions are inside of your mind, so open your mind and stop fighting yourself.

Until then: no TRT, no arimidex. Cold turkey. Take a multivitamin and eat a clean diet with protein, drink milk. Start walking. Pushups. Get a pull-up bar for your doorway. Start working out. Your body will repair itself.
So wait.
OP is 6 foot which equals dwarfism in his area and that's why he pops adex/asin like smarties so he can grow 4 inches with a shit ton of GH?
How to do you not look 6 ft 4in if you're 6 ft 4 inches. You're 6 ft 4 inch period.

Even 5 ft 11 is a decent height. There is no way you're "chest height" to everyone else at either height.

Covid made some interesting people and it seems you never got out of isolation. Being serious.
what part of neuromuscular scoliosis (curving of the spine so you can't stand up straight) do you not understand

and not to everyone just more men under 30 than should be statistically possible
You can't even work at McDonald's, yet you're gonna pump aas and other hormones. And your not gonna be able to put in the training required to take advantage of any of these compounds? You're a fool, fooling yourself and everyone here. Your story keeps changing/updating. Now you're dyslexic and autistic.
Now you wanna know how to scam ssi so you can dump money into btc.
my story hasn't changed you're the ones who keep making shit up (seriously when did I say I was afraid of needles)

it's not changing my story it's I need to keep making posts debunking everything you people say because you have zero reading comprehension and keep pulling things out of your ass
nope, said I have 2 arimidex prescriptions both from an actual doctor with one going to a compounding pharmacy as you can only get a prescription for 2mg so I alternate them as needed to take 3mg a day.

wrong again,I am on test cream as the sports medicine compounding pharmacy my doctor can send a prescription to so I can pay for it without crypto doesn't do injections, and my test level come back good for a "trt" dose so, it's more important to get the other compounds I can't get any of before optimizing my testosterone delivery method.

next, keeping estradiol at 0 will keep the growth plates open as estradiol is the only thing that ossifies them. people with a mutation in cyp19a1 (which AI's mimic) growth plates never close but as they age gh drops below the threshold to keep getting taller, so you need to take HGH as well.

and I said I went from 300lbs down to 210lbs but still look obese because my face a stomach still makes me look 300 pound.

you said you reread all my post but got everything wrong that's a new low for reading comprehension even for internet forums.

and you say all this like taking this stuff is why I'm on disability it's not.

it's my last-ditch attempt to escape the 8 going on 80 at hell that's left me deformed and unable to viable compete with anyone at even the most basic shit you need to function in society I've been living in for almost 20 years.

I WANT TO LEAVE THE BEASMENT but after trying everything I can think of for decades I couldn't even get a job flipping burgers without trying to kill myself.
getting my body to function better is my last shot/best shot at being able to function in society.

I really am an idiot as I thought you actually had a point to make.

and nope, my joint problems are from ehlers danlos, had chromosomal microarray done normal xy.

that's why having a DHT conversion ratio of 5 alpha 2 reductase deficiency level for (as far as every doctor I have access can tell) no reason pisses me off enough to just circumvent it entirely.
Your neurotic family/education system put you into the disability track of life. Let me tell you: if you go searching for a diagnosis you will get one (or as many as you want). Most of these diagnosis are bullshit. Your parent/s wanted government benefits/money so they diagnosed you with everything under the sun. Now you are in the permanent disability track of life and it's no way to live.

Forget everything you've ever been told. It's all bullshit, which is thrown at you to keep you in the system. If you were never allowed into this system and you were never given these diagnoses etc, you would be forced to function in society and you'd be living a completely different life.

You have to reinvent yourself. No excuses. Your mind is fine. You have to do something, anything. Almost anything different.......will get you out of this.

Brainstorm......pen to paper......start writing.......your goals.......ideas........and don't stop until you find solutions. Those solutions are inside of your mind, so open your mind and stop fighting yourself.

Until then: no TRT, no arimidex. Cold turkey. Take a multivitamin and eat a clean diet with protein, drink milk. Start walking. Pushups. Get a pull-up bar for your doorway. Start working out. Your body will repair itself.
I cannot ever rebut this level on ignorance.

so getting my ass beat by the teachers at school for not understanding social cues is not real?

the test the showed my estradiol is out of rage high is not real?

the cortisol test that sowed I had a level so high they wrongly thought I had a pheochromocytoma from stress is not real?

the blood test is got at 21 that showed 63 pg/ml testosterone is not real?

the follow up tests that show I had the levels of an 80 year old man is not real?

the 90 pounds is lost only after going on test and arimidex is not real?

all the other changes in my body I noticed and felt only after going on test and arimidex is not real?
what part of neuromuscular scoliosis (curving of the spine so you can't stand up straight) do you not understand

and not to everyone just more men under 30 than should be statistically possible
Show your Xrays.........

I have scoliosis too and so do many's extremely common.......what's your point?

I cannot ever rebut this level on ignorance.

so getting my ass beat by the teachers at school for not understanding social cues is not real?

the test the showed my estradiol is out of rage high is not real?

the cortisol test that sowed I had a level so high they wrongly thought I had a pheochromocytoma from stress is not real?

the blood test is got at 21 that showed 63 pg/ml testosterone is not real?

the follow up tests that show I had the levels of an 80 year old man is not real?

the 90 pounds is lost only after going on test and arimidex is not real?

all the other changes in my body I noticed and felt only after going on test and arimidex is not real?
You call me ignorant but you are a deceptive person who refuses to provide proofs and your story changes every time you write.

You live in the USA or Cambodia or what? No teachers beat your ass in the USA, and I wouldn't feel sorry for you if they did.

Estradiol is high because you are fat.

Cortisol is high from being too fat and out of shape.

Testosterone is low because you are fat.

You lost 90 pounds for other reasons and you need to lose more. Arimidex and Testosterone have nothing to do with that. Placebo effect. Reexamine whatever else you did to lose weight because that is what worked for you.

Go on a diet and start working out.
Show your Xrays.........

I have scoliosis too and so do many's extremely common.......what's your point?

You call me ignorant but you are a deceptive person who refuses to provide proofs and your story changes every time you write.

You live in the USA or Cambodia or what? No teachers beat your ass in the USA, and I wouldn't feel sorry for you if they did.

Estradiol is high because you are fat.

Cortisol is high from being too fat and out of shape.

Testosterone is low because you are fat.

You lost 90 pounds for other reasons and you need to lose more. Arimidex and Testosterone have nothing to do with that. Placebo effect. Reexamine whatever else you did to lose weight because that is what worked for you.

Go on a diet and start working out.
I said I don't have a smart phone and am too technology illiterate to format text in a column how can I send a copy of my x ray something I would need to edit from medical records to you?

I don't change things YOU CAN'T FUCKING READ

how about you link the post that said I was afraid of needles

or got my arimidex online

to prove you aren't pulling things 100% out of your ass and then saying I'm deceptive when you're the one making shit up.

yes taking a fat burning hormone and a fat storing hormone blocker and then loosing weight is placebo /s you are trolling or retarded.

link the posts that prove you aren't pulling things 100% out of your ass or I'm done replying to your bull shit.

here is the junk formatted bone scans for 2019/2020

November 08 2019 age 23.4 years
dual femur total mean BMD 1,046 g/cm2 t-score -0.4 z-score -0.4
AP spine L1-L4 BMD 1,270 g/cm2 t-score 0.4 z-score 0.4

ancillary results dual femur
region (g/cm2) (%) t-score (%) z-score (g) (cm2)
neck left 0.947 89 -0.9 86 -1.1 4.97 5.25
neck right 1.062 99 -0.1 97 -0.3 5.32 5.01
neck mean 1.005 94 -0.5 92 -0.7 5.15 5.13
neck Diff. 0.115 11 0.9 10 0.9 0.35 0.24 wards left 0.811 84 -1.1 81 -1.5 2.48 3.06 wards right 0.931 97 -0.2 93 -0.5 2.59 2.78
wards mean 0.871 91 -0.7 87 -1.0 2.54 2.92
wards Diff. 0.120 13 0.9 12 0.9 0.11 0.28
troch left 0.782 84 -1.3 83 -1.4 10.53 13.47
troch right 0.853 92 -0.7 91 -0.8 12.95 15.19
troch mean 0.817 88 -1.0 87 -1.1 11.74 14.33
troch Diff. 0.071 8 0.6 8 0.6 2.43 1.72
shaft left 1.198 - - - - 19.09 15.93
shaft right 1.340 - - - - 20.68 15.43
shaft mean 1.269 - - - - 19.89 15.68
shaft Diff. 0.142 - - - - 1.59 0.50
total left 0.998 91 -0.7 90 -0.7 34.59 34.65
total right 1.093 99 -0.1 99 -0.1 38.95 35.63
total mean 1.046 95 -0.4 95 -0.4 36.77 35.14
total Diff. 0.095 9 0.7 9 0.7 4.37 0.98

ancillary results AP spine

BMD YA YA AM AM BMC Area with height

region (g/cm2) (%) t-score (%) z-score (g) (cm2) (cm) (cm)

L1 1.188 102 0.2 102 0.2 16.86 14.20 4.2 3.41
L2 1.383 111 1.2 111 1.2 19.83 14.34 4.1 3.51
L3 1.293 104 0.4 104 0.4 19.66 15.21 4.1 3.69
L4 1.226 99 -0.1 99 -0.1 21.97 17.92 4.5 3.96
L1-L2 1.286 107 0.7 107 0.7 36.69 28.54 4.1 6.93
L1-L3 1.288 106 0.7 106 0.7 56.36 43.75 4.1 10.61
L1-L4 1.270 104 0.4 104 0.4 78.33 61.67 4.2 14.58
L2-L3 1.336 108 0.8 108 0.8 39.49 29.55 4.1 7.20
L2-L4 1.295 104 0.5 104 0.5 61.47 47.47 4.2 11.17
L3-L4 1.257 101 0.1 101 0.1 41.64 33.13 4.3 7.65

November 10 2020 age 24.4 years
dual femur total mean BMD 1,024 g/cm2 t-score -0.5 z-score -0.5
AP spine L1-L4 BMD 1,339 g/cm2 t-score 0.9 z-score 0.9

ancillary results dual femur
region (g/cm2) (%) t-score (%) z-score (g) (cm2)
neck left 0.907 85 -1.3 83 -1.4 4.90 5.41
neck right 1.037 97 -0.3 95 -0.4 5.31 5.12
neck mean 0.972 91 -0.8 89 -0.9 5.11 5.27
neck Diff. 0.130 12 1.0 12 1.0 0.41 0.29 wards left 0.773 80 -1.4 78 -1.7 2.51 3.25 wards right 0.877 91 -0.6 88 -0.9 2.56 2.92
wards mean 0.825 86 -1.0 83 -1.3 2.53 3.08
wards Diff. 0.104 11 0.8 10 0.8 0.05 0.33
troch left 0.782 84 -1.3 83 -1.4 10.40 13.31
troch right 0.833 90 -0.9 89 -1.0 12.52 15.03
troch mean 0.808 87 -1.1 86 -1.2 11.46 14.17
troch Diff. 0.051 6 0.5 5 0.5 2.12 1.72
shaft left 1.178 - - - - 19.02 16.15
shaft right 1.293 - - - - 20.09 15.53
shaft mean 1.236 - - - - 19.56 15.84
shaft Diff. 0.115 - - - - 1.06 0.62
total left 0.985 89 -0.8 89 -0.8 34.33 34.86
total right 1.063 97 -0.3 96 -0.3 37.92 35.68
total mean 1.024 93 -0.5 93 -0.5 36.13 35.27
total Diff. 0.078 7 0.5 7 0.5 3.59 0.82

ancillary results AP spine

BMD YA YA AM AM BMC Area with height

region (g/cm2) (%) t-score (%) z-score (g) (cm2) (cm) (cm)

L1 1.267 109 0.9 109 0.9 17.72 13.98 4.4 3.15
L2 1.402 113 1.3 113 1.3 19.29 13.77 4.0 3.47
L3 1.370 110 1.1 110 1.1 20.86 15.23 4.2 3.63
L4 1.289 104 0.4 104 0.4 22.88 17.75 4.6 3.88
L1-L2 1.334 111 1.1 111 1.1 37.01 27.75 4.2 6.63
L1-L3 1.346 111 1.1 111 1.1 57.87 42.98 4.2 10.26
L1-L4 1.330 109 0.9 109 0.9 80.75 60.73 4.3 14.14
L2-L3 1.385 112 1.2 112 1.2 40.15 28.99 4.1 7.10
L2-L4 1.348 109 0.9 109 0.9 63.03 46.74 4.2 10.98
L3-L4 1.326 107 0.7 107 0.7 43.73 32.98 4.4 7.51
So wait.
OP is 6 foot which equals dwarfism in his area and that's why he pops adex/asin like smarties so he can grow 4 inches with a shit ton of GH?
I was 5'10 grew (6 inches over 8 months)

in physical therapy they said I should have been 6'4

but the neuromuscular scoliosis curved my spine down

combined with ehlers danlos making my back unstable I was 6'2.5 standing ,

which somehow turned out to be short next to the people around me.

I took arimidex to keep my growth plates open
and over the next almost 4 years my bones and posture degraded
till I'm now 5'11.5

how is that so hard to follow that?

I am so tired making posts clarifying the same things over and over again

and having people say I'm changing them because none of you can read.
Last edited:
I said I don't have a smart phone and am too technology illiterate to format text in a column how can I send a copy of my x ray something I would need to edit from medical records to you?

I don't change things YOU CAN'T FUCKING READ

how about you link the post that said I was afraid of needles

or got my arimidex online

to prove you aren't pulling things 100% out of your ass and then saying I'm deceptive when you're the one making shit up.

yes taking a fat burning hormone and a fat storing hormone blocker and then loosing weight is placebo /s you are trolling or retarded.

link the posts that prove you aren't pulling things 100% out of your ass or I'm done replying to your bull shit.

here is the junk formatted bone scans for 2019/2020

November 08 2019 age 23.4 years
dual femur total mean BMD 1,046 g/cm2 t-score -0.4 z-score -0.4
AP spine L1-L4 BMD 1,270 g/cm2 t-score 0.4 z-score 0.4

ancillary results dual femur
region (g/cm2) (%) t-score (%) z-score (g) (cm2)
neck left 0.947 89 -0.9 86 -1.1 4.97 5.25
neck right 1.062 99 -0.1 97 -0.3 5.32 5.01
neck mean 1.005 94 -0.5 92 -0.7 5.15 5.13
neck Diff. 0.115 11 0.9 10 0.9 0.35 0.24 wards left 0.811 84 -1.1 81 -1.5 2.48 3.06 wards right 0.931 97 -0.2 93 -0.5 2.59 2.78
wards mean 0.871 91 -0.7 87 -1.0 2.54 2.92
wards Diff. 0.120 13 0.9 12 0.9 0.11 0.28
troch left 0.782 84 -1.3 83 -1.4 10.53 13.47
troch right 0.853 92 -0.7 91 -0.8 12.95 15.19
troch mean 0.817 88 -1.0 87 -1.1 11.74 14.33
troch Diff. 0.071 8 0.6 8 0.6 2.43 1.72
shaft left 1.198 - - - - 19.09 15.93
shaft right 1.340 - - - - 20.68 15.43
shaft mean 1.269 - - - - 19.89 15.68
shaft Diff. 0.142 - - - - 1.59 0.50
total left 0.998 91 -0.7 90 -0.7 34.59 34.65
total right 1.093 99 -0.1 99 -0.1 38.95 35.63
total mean 1.046 95 -0.4 95 -0.4 36.77 35.14
total Diff. 0.095 9 0.7 9 0.7 4.37 0.98

ancillary results AP spine

BMD YA YA AM AM BMC Area with height

region (g/cm2) (%) t-score (%) z-score (g) (cm2) (cm) (cm)

L1 1.188 102 0.2 102 0.2 16.86 14.20 4.2 3.41
L2 1.383 111 1.2 111 1.2 19.83 14.34 4.1 3.51
L3 1.293 104 0.4 104 0.4 19.66 15.21 4.1 3.69
L4 1.226 99 -0.1 99 -0.1 21.97 17.92 4.5 3.96
L1-L2 1.286 107 0.7 107 0.7 36.69 28.54 4.1 6.93
L1-L3 1.288 106 0.7 106 0.7 56.36 43.75 4.1 10.61
L1-L4 1.270 104 0.4 104 0.4 78.33 61.67 4.2 14.58
L2-L3 1.336 108 0.8 108 0.8 39.49 29.55 4.1 7.20
L2-L4 1.295 104 0.5 104 0.5 61.47 47.47 4.2 11.17
L3-L4 1.257 101 0.1 101 0.1 41.64 33.13 4.3 7.65

November 10 2020 age 24.4 years
dual femur total mean BMD 1,024 g/cm2 t-score -0.5 z-score -0.5
AP spine L1-L4 BMD 1,339 g/cm2 t-score 0.9 z-score 0.9

ancillary results dual femur
region (g/cm2) (%) t-score (%) z-score (g) (cm2)
neck left 0.907 85 -1.3 83 -1.4 4.90 5.41
neck right 1.037 97 -0.3 95 -0.4 5.31 5.12
neck mean 0.972 91 -0.8 89 -0.9 5.11 5.27
neck Diff. 0.130 12 1.0 12 1.0 0.41 0.29 wards left 0.773 80 -1.4 78 -1.7 2.51 3.25 wards right 0.877 91 -0.6 88 -0.9 2.56 2.92
wards mean 0.825 86 -1.0 83 -1.3 2.53 3.08
wards Diff. 0.104 11 0.8 10 0.8 0.05 0.33
troch left 0.782 84 -1.3 83 -1.4 10.40 13.31
troch right 0.833 90 -0.9 89 -1.0 12.52 15.03
troch mean 0.808 87 -1.1 86 -1.2 11.46 14.17
troch Diff. 0.051 6 0.5 5 0.5 2.12 1.72
shaft left 1.178 - - - - 19.02 16.15
shaft right 1.293 - - - - 20.09 15.53
shaft mean 1.236 - - - - 19.56 15.84
shaft Diff. 0.115 - - - - 1.06 0.62
total left 0.985 89 -0.8 89 -0.8 34.33 34.86
total right 1.063 97 -0.3 96 -0.3 37.92 35.68
total mean 1.024 93 -0.5 93 -0.5 36.13 35.27
total Diff. 0.078 7 0.5 7 0.5 3.59 0.82

ancillary results AP spine

BMD YA YA AM AM BMC Area with height

region (g/cm2) (%) t-score (%) z-score (g) (cm2) (cm) (cm)

L1 1.267 109 0.9 109 0.9 17.72 13.98 4.4 3.15
L2 1.402 113 1.3 113 1.3 19.29 13.77 4.0 3.47
L3 1.370 110 1.1 110 1.1 20.86 15.23 4.2 3.63
L4 1.289 104 0.4 104 0.4 22.88 17.75 4.6 3.88
L1-L2 1.334 111 1.1 111 1.1 37.01 27.75 4.2 6.63
L1-L3 1.346 111 1.1 111 1.1 57.87 42.98 4.2 10.26
L1-L4 1.330 109 0.9 109 0.9 80.75 60.73 4.3 14.14
L2-L3 1.385 112 1.2 112 1.2 40.15 28.99 4.1 7.10
L2-L4 1.348 109 0.9 109 0.9 63.03 46.74 4.2 10.98
L3-L4 1.326 107 0.7 107 0.7 43.73 32.98 4.4 7.51

Your growth plates were never open and you never grew when you say you did. You provide zero proofs. You are just a looksmaxxer nut job who is desperate to grow taller so you took arimidex and now you are rotting away and you still don't get it.

Buy a phone and learn to use it, excuse boy.
my story hasn't changed you're the ones who keep making shit up (seriously when did I say I was afraid of needles)

it's not changing my story it's I need to keep making posts debunking everything you people say because you have zero reading comprehension and keep pulling things out of your ass
I'm the one that can't read? Where did I say you're afraid of needles? Your story keeps changing and evolving, depending on how much sympathy you need.

Teachers beat your ass. I thought you were getting serious ass whoopings...what a joke.

Why didn't you address my comment about you not being able to get a job at McDonald's. Yet, somehow you're gonna be able to train when you start slamming aas and other hormones?
Or how you want to scam ssi to buy btc? Must be because you're an honest man lol.
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