novice here with an unusual problem looking for help

Yes, provide the DEXA scans and any other imaging you have. Same thing with the medical records, but redact your sensitive personal information. No other way to help you without seeing what you have.
idk how to edit/send an image like that, but I will get what numbers/info I can
I'd go high dose HGH with low-liver toxic steroids like test, npp, primo, mast to have my igf-1 as high as possible for bone growth. Tren and powerful orals will make your igf-1 lower than baseline even on a bunch of HGH.
holy shit bro, im sorry you are going through this. ButIm not exactly sure what youre asking, are you just trying to understand hgh, igf-1, dht more or what are you trying to do exactly? You said you want to do strongman, if I can give you any adivice id say you should try and get this all under control with your hormones or try and get them stablized the best you can. Sometimes this takes time to find a balance, doctors will be able to help you with this. Id say that is more important then anything else you could do right now. Once you get shit stabalized or you are not having all these drastic body changes to often, then i would look into doing something with strongman and i always recommend staying natural. I believe someone with your case could possibly be very dangerous or cause you more problems if you start taking synthetic hormones. If you want hgh or igf-1 to grow taller i would mention that to your doc. Trust your doctor they know more than we do thats for sure.
Yes, provide the DEXA scans and any other imaging you have. Same thing with the medical records, but redact your sensitive personal information. No other way to help you without seeing what you have.
holy shit bro, im sorry you are going through this. ButIm not exactly sure what youre asking, are you just trying to understand hgh, igf-1, dht more or what are you trying to do exactly? You said you want to do strongman, if I can give you any adivice id say you should try and get this all under control with your hormones or try and get them stablized the best you can. Sometimes this takes time to find a balance, doctors will be able to help you with this. Id say that is more important then anything else you could do right now. Once you get shit stabalized or you are not having all these drastic body changes to often, then i would look into doing something with strongman and i always recommend staying natural. I believe someone with your case could possibly be very dangerous or cause you more problems if you start taking synthetic hormones. If you want hgh or igf-1 to grow taller i would mention that to your doc. Trust your doctor they know more than we do thats for sure.
I have seen just about every doctor I can afford; I passed the limit of what my main doctor and even genetics and multiple endocrinologists could figure out.
if I had somewhere else I could go I wouldn't be here.
if I had somewhere else I could go I wouldn't be here.
If you're not going to inject you might as well look elsewhere. I don't know why your getting off your ai but you can find aromasin and arimidex on the clearnet if it's script running out
If you're not going to inject you might as well look elsewhere. I don't know why your getting off your ai but you can find aromasin and arimidex on the clearnet if it's script running out
lowering not stopping but that will still close up the growth plates
and I'm doing it because 3 mg a day is weaking my joins too much
I'd go high dose HGH with low-liver toxic steroids like test, npp, primo, mast to have my igf-1 as high as possible for bone growth. Tren and powerful orals will make your igf-1 lower than baseline even on a bunch of HGH.
thank you for the reply. I didn't know that about tren where does npp, dmso and halotestin rank on that?
This post is going nowhere for you since the day you posted it.
3-5iu hgh everyday
50mg test p everyday
100mg masterone p everyday
That's 3-5iu hgh, 350mg test propionate a week, 700mg mast p a week, slam your ai as needed to knock out your estrogen like you want. Start taking 1000mcg hcg every other day for those testicles. And this will do the trick...probably. fuck peptides focus on hormones.

Eat high calorie nutrient dense food and a lot of it.

Train, train, train like your dick depended on it!
Have a fun 10 months.

I except no responsibility this is simply what I would do in your situation. I'm not a doctor and steriods are bad. I'm not condoning their use. just creating this post for informational purposes only.
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if I had somewhere else I could go I wouldn't be here.
bro go find a doctor who specificly treats what you have. Im confused on what you are trying to do exactly. Get taller? finish puberty? do strongman comps? how tall are you now? The problm is here is youre not going to know wtf were talking about if you dont know anything about this. Do some research on hgh, igf-1, masteron (its basically dht) and read about diet for what you have. Research until you have a good understanding of these drugs. I think you will be able to make the deseison on your own at that point once you understand how all this works. OR if youre just trying to induce puberty HCG would be a good option it makes your balls produce testosterone look into that maybe?
Yes, provide the DEXA scans and any other imaging you have. Same thing with the medical records, but redact your sensitive personal information. No other way to help you without seeing what you have.
This post is going nowhere for you since the day you posted it.
3-5iu hgh everyday
50mg test p everyday
100mg masterone p everyday
That's 3-5iu hgh, 350mg test propionate a week, 700mg mast p a week, slam your ai as needed to knock out your estrogen like you want. Start taking 1000mcg hcg every other day for those testicles. And this will do the trick...probably. fuck peptides focus on hormones.

Eat high calorie nutrient dense food and a lot of it.

Train, train, train like your dick depended on it!
Have a fun 10 months.

I except no responsibility this is simply what I would do in your situation. I'm not a doctor and steriods are bad. I'm not condoning their use. just creating this post for informational purposes only.
thank you for the reply.
don't worry I'm stubborn not completely stupid ei if my heart starts getting fucky I'll slam on the breaks.

and I'm not in a position to act on this anyway (as much as I want to) I'm just getting a starting point so I know what to do when I can act on it.
bro go find a doctor who specificly treats what you have. Im confused on what you are trying to do exactly. Get taller? finish puberty? do strongman comps? how tall are you now? The problm is here is youre not going to know wtf were talking about if you dont know anything about this. Do some research on hgh, igf-1, masteron (its basically dht) and read about diet for what you have. Research until you have a good understanding of these drugs. I think you will be able to make the deseison on your own at that point once you understand how all this works. OR if youre just trying to induce puberty HCG would be a good option it makes your balls produce testosterone look into that maybe?
can't all doctors who deal with this only treat kids their insurance doesn't cover adults. so if you find out something was wrong with your puberty only in retrospect you're sol.

in order, trying to get taller (as it has a time limit) masculinize, then find a long-term lower dose to start strong man training.
can't all doctors who deal with this only treat kids their insurance doesn't cover adults. so if you find out something was wrong with your puberty only in retrospect you're sol.

in order, trying to get taller (as it has a time limit) masculinize, then find a long-term lower dose to start strong man training.
You are lying about your age. Aren't you?

Your whole story didn't add up and it is very far fetched.

Sound like some kid who wants to change his facial structure
can't all doctors who deal with this only treat kids their insurance doesn't cover adults. so if you find out something was wrong with your puberty only in retrospect you're sol.

in order, trying to get taller (as it has a time limit) masculinize, then find a long-term lower dose to start strong man training.

Afrer reading your posts again: You are on SSI disability and are 27 years old and you are morbidly obese, and you are taking 3mg Arimidex daily that you bought online and you are on testosterone transdermal because you are afraid of needles and got it online, and you want to grow taller so you think you will keep your growth plates open by eating tons of Arimidex (because you are probably one of those looksmaxxer Zoomer kids obsessed with being a pretty boy) and your bones are rotting and none of this adds up at all.

Get up off your ass, lose fat, stop all Arimidex and stop all testosterone immediately, and don't touch any drug for the next year or more.

You are done growing. Your growth plates are closed. It's over. Accept your height. You are going to wait for your entire life to get a little bit taller? For what? You are already wasting your life away on disability at 27 years old. Height won't help you.

Go make money and finance leg lengthening surgery or something.

I have no patience with delusional people sitting in their mom's basement. I know too many people like this.
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Afrer reading your posts again: You are on SSI disability and are 27 years old and you are morbidly obese, and you are taking 3mg Arimidex daily that you bought online and you are on testosterone transdermal because you are afraid of needles and got it online, and you want to grow taller so you think you will keep your growth plates open by eating tons of Arimidex (because you are probably one of those looksmaxxer Zoomer kids obsessed with being a pretty boy) and your bones are rotting and none of this adds up at all.

Get up off your ass, lose fat, stop all Arimidex and stop all testosterone immediately, and don't touch any drug for the next year or more.
Similar Interpretation as me.

You Forgot, the disabled guy wants to be a strongman
Afrer reading your posts again: You are on SSI disability and are 27 years old and you are morbidly obese, and you are taking 3mg Arimidex daily that you bought online and you are on testosterone transdermal because you are afraid of needles and got it online, and you want to grow taller so you think you will keep your growth plates open by eating tons of Arimidex (because you are probably one of those looksmaxxer Zoomer kids obsessed with being a pretty boy) and your bones are rotting and none of this adds up at all.

Get up off your ass, lose fat, stop all Arimidex and stop all testosterone immediately, and don't touch any drug for the next year or more.

You are done growing. Your growth plates are closed. It's over. Accept your height. You are going to wait for your entire life to get a little bit taller? For what? You are already wasting your life away on disability at 27 years old. Height won't help you.

Go make money and finance leg lengthening surgery or something.

I have no patience with delusional people sitting in their mom's basement. I know too many people like this.
damn bro thats harsh man! Jesus haha op if this is true man he makes a good point. Steroids are the last of your concerns. I think you shouild start with seeing a psychiatrist. Honestly man i see one cuz im crazy from taking so much gear since i was a young man i lost my mind on a tren run and never really fully got it back. anyway, they will help you bro many many people see one theres no shame.
Afrer reading your posts again: You are on SSI disability and are 27 years old and you are morbidly obese, and you are taking 3mg Arimidex daily that you bought online and you are on testosterone transdermal because you are afraid of needles and got it online, and you want to grow taller so you think you will keep your growth plates open by eating tons of Arimidex (because you are probably one of those looksmaxxer Zoomer kids obsessed with being a pretty boy) and your bones are rotting and none of this adds up at all.

Get up off your ass, lose fat, stop all Arimidex and stop all testosterone immediately, and don't touch any drug for the next year or more.

You are done growing. Your growth plates are closed. It's over. Accept your height. You are going to wait for your entire life to get a little bit taller? For what? You are already wasting your life away on disability at 27 years old. Height won't help you.

Go make money and finance leg lengthening surgery or something.

I have no patience with delusional people sitting in their mom's basement. I know too many people like this.
nope, said I have 2 arimidex prescriptions both from an actual doctor with one going to a compounding pharmacy as you can only get a prescription for 2mg so I alternate them as needed to take 3mg a day.

wrong again,I am on test cream as the sports medicine compounding pharmacy my doctor can send a prescription to so I can pay for it without crypto doesn't do injections, and my test level come back good for a "trt" dose so, it's more important to get the other compounds I can't get any of before optimizing my testosterone delivery method.

next, keeping estradiol at 0 will keep the growth plates open as estradiol is the only thing that ossifies them. people with a mutation in cyp19a1 (which AI's mimic) growth plates never close but as they age gh drops below the threshold to keep getting taller, so you need to take HGH as well.

and I said I went from 300lbs down to 210lbs but still look obese because my face a stomach still makes me look 300 pound.

you said you reread all my post but got everything wrong that's a new low for reading comprehension even for internet forums.

and you say all this like taking this stuff is why I'm on disability it's not.

it's my last-ditch attempt to escape the 8 going on 80 at hell that's left me deformed and unable to viable compete with anyone at even the most basic shit you need to function in society I've been living in for almost 20 years.

I WANT TO LEAVE THE BEASMENT but after trying everything I can think of for decades I couldn't even get a job flipping burgers without trying to kill myself.
getting my body to function better is my last shot/best shot at being able to function in society.
Similar Interpretation as me.

You Forgot, the disabled guy wants to be a strongman
nope, said I have 2 arimidex prescriptions both from an actual doctor with one going to a compounding pharmacy as you can only get a prescription for 2mg so I alternate them as needed to take 3mg a day.

wrong again,I am on test cream as the sports medicine compounding pharmacy my doctor can send a prescription to so I can pay for it without crypto doesn't do injections, and my test level come back good for a "trt" dose so, it's more important to get the other compounds I can't get any of before optimizing my testosterone delivery method.

next, keeping estradiol at 0 will keep the growth plates open as estradiol is the only thing that ossifies them. people with a mutation in cyp19a1 (which AI's mimic) growth plates never close but as they age gh drops below the threshold to keep getting taller, so you need to take HGH as well.

and I said I went from 300lbs down to 210lbs but still look obese because my face a stomach still makes me look 300 pound.

you said you reread all my post but got everything wrong that's a new low for reading comprehension even for internet forums.

and you say all this like taking this stuff is why I'm on disability it's not.

it's my last-ditch attempt to escape the 8 going on 80 at hell that's left me deformed and unable to viable compete with anyone at even the most basic shit you need to function in society I've been living in for almost 20 years.

I WANT TO LEAVE THE BEASMENT but after trying everything I can think of for decades I couldn't even get a job flipping burgers without trying to kill myself.
getting my body to function better is my last shot/best shot at being able to function in society.
nope, said I have 2 arimidex prescriptions both from an actual doctor with one going to a compounding pharmacy as you can only get a prescription for 2mg so I alternate them as needed to take 3mg a day.

wrong again,I am on test cream as the sports medicine compounding pharmacy my doctor can send a prescription to so I can pay for it without crypto doesn't do injections, and my test level come back good for a "trt" dose so, it's more important to get the other compounds I can't get any of before optimizing my testosterone delivery method.

next, keeping estradiol at 0 will keep the growth plates open as estradiol is the only thing that ossifies them. people with a mutation in cyp19a1 (which AI's mimic) growth plates never close but as they age gh drops below the threshold to keep getting taller, so you need to take HGH as well.

and I said I went from 300lbs down to 210lbs but still look obese because my face a stomach still makes me look 300 pound.

you said you reread all my post but got everything wrong that's a new low for reading comprehension even for internet forums.

and you say all this like taking this stuff is why I'm on disability it's not.

it's my last-ditch attempt to escape the 8 going on 80 at hell that's left me deformed and unable to viable compete with anyone at even the most basic shit you need to function in society I've been living in for almost 20 years.

I WANT TO LEAVE THE BEASMENT but after trying everything I can think of for decades I couldn't even get a job flipping burgers without trying to kill myself.
getting my body to function better is my last shot/best shot at being able to function in society.
damn bro thats harsh man! Jesus haha op if this is true man he makes a good point. Steroids are the last of your concerns. I think you shouild start with seeing a psychiatrist. Honestly man i see one cuz im crazy from taking so much gear since i was a young man i lost my mind on a tren run and never really fully got it back. anyway, they will help you bro many many people see one theres no shame.
been in therapy since I was 3 didn't help.
The bio availability of transdermal administration is not close to intramuscular or sq, in most cases. Real sources are cheaper than pharm medicine, in most cases, but you have to do your own research. No one wants a shill. You want androgenic compounds because you want the masculinity from them. DHT derivatives will do this.

If you don't want to inject you have, off the top of my head, epistane, superdrol, proviron, d plex, winstol, etc. Some are more anabolic than others, more toxic than others.

If you stay in a fucking basement find out how to use bitcoin. Wtf else are you doing down there except exacerbating your porn addiction and stewing in your own shit. Learn, grow your mind if nothing else.