Do you use statins?


This post made me curious how many of you guys actually use statins as prevention for not dying early from AAS use. I'm interested in medications, dosages etc.

In this episode, I talk about why I take a statin even though I am in my 30s and have no major risk factors or short-term risk of cardiovascular disease, and why I believe everyone should do the same.

The main reason is this: cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. It remains a major cause of death and disability even in my demographic.

In one paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, one of the most important medical journals in the world, in 2012, men at age 45 who had risk factors that were all optimal (systolic and diastolic blood pressure less than 120 and 80 respectively, total cholesterol less than 180 mg/dL, no diabetes, and no tobacco smoking), still had a risk of having a cardiovascular event of 15% by age 80. Men with just one risk factor that was not optimal had a risk of a full 35% by age 85 (PMID 23117780).

Subclinical atherosclerosis, which affects quality of life, sexual, and physical functioning, is even more prevalent than these figures indicate. Why should anyone take any chances? Take a statin...
I'm currently running a test on myself will post blood work results in my thread
Rosuvastatin 2.5mg a day will change the dosage once I know how it effects me.
Here is my blood results one month apart, on cycle of 175test/420nandrolone/210mast
This is 5mg rousavastatin EOD.
The statin also dropped my APO B from 131 to 69. I have an undetectable LP(a) genetically but if you don’t, keep an eye on it as a statin can raise LP(a) (I think).

My cycle is wrapping up soon. I will drop down to 5mg 2x a week on trt.


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