Doctor says I am going to die..


I want to hear everyones opinion on this email I got from my doc. Feel free to ask any questions.


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Guess it depends how high they were, you could have just gone in for bloods really dehydrated for what they brought up. Is that the only marker they are complaining about? You go in on blast or just trt?
Guess it depends how high they were, you could have just gone in for bloods really dehydrated for what they brought up. Is that the only marker they are complaining about? You go in on blast or just trt?
Yea always go in really well hydrated before blood work.

Yea who knows what ur numbers are. But personally that's y I don't tell my dr shit about gear. Even if u stubbed ur toe they'll blame the testosterone lol.
post your usage, dosages and how long and bloodwork

doctor seems alarmist to me and at first it also seems to me that he has already attributed your "problems" to the use of testosterone, excluding everything else a priori.
Lets see the lab report. Cant comment until i see the #'s.
It wasn’t even that bad doctors are literally useless.
Guess it depends how high they were, you could have just gone in for bloods really dehydrated for what they brought up. Is that the only marker they are complaining about? You go in on blast or just trt?
There’s a few markers out of range but nothing that alarmed me. They treat this shit like pussies. If it was anything else like drug addiction or alcohol abuse they would be quick to help. I went in for accutane and left with a fucken sermon about how I’m gonna die.
Yea always go in really well hydrated before blood work.

Yea who knows what ur numbers are. But personally that's y I don't tell my dr shit about gear. Even if u stubbed ur toe they'll blame the testosterone lol.
Yeah I know I fucked up saying anything about roids.
I was just coming of a blast. Was about to start PCT. Doctors literally have no clue he was like “you share syringes with other people at the gym?” “You might have hiv or hep C” fucken idiot.
This was the blood work to me nothing was super bad I had just came off.

Test C 500/week
Mast E 600/week
Tren A 200/week
Proviron ed
Cialis pre workout
Axemestane eod


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Damn at first I shut my pants with your post!
Idiots nothing out of normal steroid usage. Come to cruise TRT , give blood , they will be perfect again if you ask me in 5 weeks top or less.
This was the blood work to me nothing was super bad I had just came off.

Test C 500/week
Mast E 600/week
Tren A 200/week
Proviron ed
Cialis pre workout
Axemestane eod
That actually doesnt look too bad for what u r running lol, but ur dr has no idea about anything in regards to peds, if you need the doc just reschedule your bloods for when you are cleaned out on trt.
I was just coming of a blast. Was about to start PCT. Doctors literally have no clue he was like “you share syringes with other people at the gym?” “You might have hiv or hep C” fucken idiot.
Well if all you are going in for is something like accutane, just ditch that doc and get indian meds, probably be cheaper than your copay for a walk in appt.
I've had worse bloodwork (stupidly) cutting out everything cold turkey. Your bloodwork is only a snapshot, if you will, in time. A transient fluctuation (+/-) in certain markers doesn't mean you're knocking on death's door. Obviously if your lipids, HCT/HGB, liver values, etc, etc, are constantly fucked...then yeah, it might be time for an intervention. But for how much shit you were taking, that bloodwork doesn't look "horrible". Do your usual bullshit, retest bloods in 1.5-2months, and update us with the results.

I'd also advise seeking out a doctor who is actually a little more open-minded, which may take some time, unfortunately.
Same thing my urologist said lol. He literally stopped my prescription for trt again because of elevated h and h, rbc.

It’s not that critical level yet, your rbc is even on range. Blood donation brought it down to normal for me a year ago but recently it was worse after donation, so that method doesn’t necessarily work for me.

Funny thing is I was deep in a blast and got tested last summer and everything was perfect then after I went on a cruise 100mg a week and I tested bad.

Check out Dante trudell’s instagram post about it, take IP6, nattokinase and naringin plus lots of cardio, that is what I am doing now trying to get it in range for my April blood work.
your shoes are untied

Be careful, you trip, hit your head and die.

you probably have a better chance of dying like that than from your bloodwork values which aren't all that worrying ;)
52 hct and a stroke risk? lmao. Can easily vary 6+ points in a day via hydration levels.

Your RBC is in range. Your HCT is calculated with RBC*MCV. Your MCV is high meaning you probably have a B12 deficieny.

Also your doctor is a fucking moron for not telling you the above.
This was the blood work to me nothing was super bad I had just came off.

Test C 500/week
Mast E 600/week
Tren A 200/week
Proviron ed
Cialis pre workout
Axemestane eod

That's a low TT for 500mg's. Was the blood drawn far away from your last pin?
Seems like doc doesn’t like testosterone and is just blaming your problems on that instead of evaluating and diagnosing another possible cause
I have had higher hematocrit (55) and hemoglobin. When I asked my internal medicine doctor about it, he said it needed to be higher for him to care.

Your doctor is an idiot and you should find a new one.