Doctor says I am going to die..

Good reference:

Par for the course in many using AAS. But surely no one concerned with your health would tell you to go higher on Hct/Hgb unless there was thorough understanding of your personal plasma viscosity values. High whole blood viscosity is a thing and you should understand the risks. Primary concern is not clotting/stroke but long term wear and tear on your heart and endothelium.

Long story short....Hct is not the full story and only part of the equation that determines whole blood viscosity.

The clinical significance of Hct > 54% (or 48 or 50 or 52 or 50.45667) will never be *known* since on its own it is an incomplete metric or proxy for whole blood viscosity. Plasma viscosity (almost always overlooked) must be considered together with Hct to get a more accurate view of whole blood viscosity.
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your doctor is an idiot.
you are an idiot as well using tren outside a competition prep in combination with very low calories.
remove tren if you are not in prep. Your lipid profile wil dramatically change to an improved state.
No reason to use proviron as well. You can do but it is not beneficial in combination with this dosage of mast.
Good reference:

Par for the course in many using AAS. But surely no one concerned with your health would tell you to go higher on Hct/Hgb unless there was thorough understanding of your personal plasma viscosity values. High whole blood viscosity is a thing and you should understand the risks. Primary concern is not clotting/stroke but long term wear and tear on your heart and endothelium.

Long story short....Hct is not the full story and only part of the equation that determines whole blood viscosity.

Fully understand and I personally think an HCT above 50 is bad.

But if he's dieting (I assume he is since he's on tren), going low carb or dropping water can easily shoot his HCT up to the moon.

I own HB meter and I've gone from 14 hb (est 40 hct) to 16.8 (est 49) over the course of 3 days from going to a low carb low calorie diet and dropped 5 lbs of water.

My HB meter (the test strips) is always .1-.2 in range of my lab values when I test right before the blood draw. They're generally fairly accurate.

This also begs the question, what sort of HCT are guys prepping who use diuretics at? (Probably well over 60+)
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That actually doesnt look too bad for what u r running lol, but ur dr has no idea about anything in regards to peds, if you need the doc just reschedule your bloods for when you are cleaned out on trt.

Well if all you are going in for is something like accutane, just ditch that doc and get indian meds, probably be cheaper than your copay for a walk in appt.
Thats what I thought. He actually said to me he wouldn’t run my blood work anymore. I have to go back to paying out of pocket. These organizations that have insurance and health care in the same system have crazy fucken agendas. He seemed more worried that I would sue him is something happened than just trying to help.
Have you taken accutane from indian meds? I was thinking of just getting some bulk from china but afraid to overdose it. Also wanted something prescribed for the dry lips/skin while on it.
I've had worse bloodwork (stupidly) cutting out everything cold turkey. Your bloodwork is only a snapshot, if you will, in time. A transient fluctuation (+/-) in certain markers doesn't mean you're knocking on death's door. Obviously if your lipids, HCT/HGB, liver values, etc, etc, are constantly fucked...then yeah, it might be time for an intervention. But for how much shit you were taking, that bloodwork doesn't look "horrible". Do your usual bullshit, retest bloods in 1.5-2months, and update us with the results.

I'd also advise seeking out a doctor who is actually a little more open-minded, which may take some time, unfortunately.
Yeah unfortunately my work has change insurance company to one of the shittiest places I’ve ever been. I am gonna have to look around. But unfortunately the company handles insurance and medical so I’m paying for bullshit.
Same thing my urologist said lol. He literally stopped my prescription for trt again because of elevated h and h, rbc.

It’s not that critical level yet, your rbc is even on range. Blood donation brought it down to normal for me a year ago but recently it was worse after donation, so that method doesn’t necessarily work for me.

Funny thing is I was deep in a blast and got tested last summer and everything was perfect then after I went on a cruise 100mg a week and I tested bad.

Check out Dante trudell’s instagram post about it, take IP6, nattokinase and naringin plus lots of cardio, that is what I am doing now trying to get it in range for my April blood work.
Yeah man that’s crazy. I will check it out.
You can buy the powder/raws in bulk from QSC for cheap. Indian pharms won't sell it to the USA.

Can be dosed down to the mg. It turns solid when exposed to air.
52 hct and a stroke risk? lmao. Can easily vary 6+ points in a day via hydration levels.

Your RBC is in range. Your HCT is calculated with RBC*MCV. Your MCV is high meaning you probably have a B12 deficieny.

Also your doctor is a fucking moron for not telling you the above.
Damn someone is actually educated and helping, you would think a doctor would be right?

Thanks man I appreciate your input I will get some B12 and see how blood come back.
your doctor is an idiot.
you are an idiot as well using tren outside a competition prep in combination with very low calories.
remove tren if you are not in prep. Your lipid profile wil dramatically change to an improved state.
No reason to use proviron as well. You can do but it is not beneficial in combination with this dosage of mast.
I know and fully agree but thats the beauty of this. I was trying to see how my body would react to tren. I don’t want to read what its like or what side it gives me I want to try it and then see for myself. Thanks for the advice
Fully understand and I personally think an HCT above 50 is bad.

But if he's dieting (I assume he is since he's on tren), going low carb or dropping water can easily shoot his HCT up to the moon.

I own HB meter and I've gone from 14 hb (est 40 hct) to 16.8 (est 49) over the course of 3 days from going to a low carb low calorie diet and dropped 5 lbs of water.

My HB meter (the test strips) is always .1-.2 in range of my lab values when I test right before the blood draw. They're generally fairly accurate.

This also begs the question, what sort of HCT are guys prepping who use diuretics at? (Probably well over 60+)
Nice thanks for the info