Does Anyone Regret TRT?

Been on trt for nearly 3 years, initially went to the doctor because I thought something was seriously wrong with me. No amount of sleep would make me feel rested, I was not motivated toward anything in life and I preferred a bowl of ice cream over sex.

Trt has definitely changed my life and overall sense of well-being but with that said I do dread at times the thought of knowing I’ll have to do this for the rest of my life.

I cycled in my late teens/early 20’s while being ill advised by a gym rat. I took his word as Gold because of the way he looked and how big he was. Never pct’d cause he said I was young enough I didn’t need. Perhaps, if I wouldn’t have been foolish and actually researched what hormones would do to my endocrine system, I wouldn’t have had to be on trt so soon.

Either way, it is what it is now and it’s what has to be done. My wife is very happy with the change it’s made in attitude and our relationship.
fascinating. i just started trt about 4 months ago. reason for the questions.
No problem, I went off the trt for some personnel reasons. Figured if I needed to run pct that I would, but it just wasn't a problem. Didn't feel bad at all, just feel better on trt
No problem, I went off the trt for some personnel reasons. Figured if I needed to run pct that I would, but it just wasn't a problem. Didn't feel bad at all, just feel better on trt
glad you didn't have an issue.
i plan to stay on myself. at the 4-5 week mark i was feeling on top of the world and then i got sick. i've been fighting health issues since and although i don't have the energy i once had, my emotional state is good
No regrets other than I wish I would have started sooner. I feel so much better then I did when my natural T levels were in the low 200’s.
The changes I saw in my physique were an added benefit.
Just over two years of trt. Was below 300 total T.
I couldn’t grow let alone recover from 3 workouts per week!
Dealing with higher hematocrit, and libido is up and down. Despite those issues, I don’t regret it
Just over two years of trt. Was below 300 total T.
I couldn’t grow let alone recover from 3 workouts per week!
Dealing with higher hematocrit, and libido is up and down. Despite those issues, I don’t regret it
How do you handle the higher hemacrit
Been on trt for 8 years... it gets old pinning every week but at this point I can't be with out it
I regret doing stupid cycles back in the day without pct
I regret how I got here but live and learn. Doing cycles without pct in my 20’s, becoming a sex crazed maniac and eventually ruining an engagement. A year ago felt the full effects of the depression, brain fog, non existent libido ect. bloodwork t levels came to a 151 and dropped to a mere 86 before i started doing self trt because the doctors gave me the run around. Finally fingers crossed that i get a script starting in december when i take my last bloodwork after being off for 2 months. my most recent bloods earlier this month came back with a T level of 134 and estradiol 15.7. I currently don’t feel as shitty as i did before when this first started but not nearly as good as i felt when i was on. libido non existent right now and it’s killing me.
I regret how I got here but live and learn. Doing cycles without pct in my 20’s, becoming a sex crazed maniac and eventually ruining an engagement. A year ago felt the full effects of the depression, brain fog, non existent libido ect. bloodwork t levels came to a 151 and dropped to a mere 86 before i started doing self trt because the doctors gave me the run around. Finally fingers crossed that i get a script starting in december when i take my last bloodwork after being off for 2 months. my most recent bloods earlier this month came back with a T level of 134 and estradiol 15.7. I currently don’t feel as shitty as i did before when this first started but not nearly as good as i felt when i was on. libido non existent right now and it’s killing me.

May I ask how hard you went and at what ages? I'm doing my first cycle at age 28. Right now I want to push it as hard as I can go without permanently fucking up my T so I'm definitely going to do PCT and take time off.
May I ask how hard you went and at what ages? I'm doing my first cycle at age 28. Right now I want to push it as hard as I can go without permanently fucking up my T so I'm definitely going to do PCT and take time off.
began around 26 and i started out test with dbol then started to experiment with deca and tren on and off throughout the years.
Guess I’m gonna be the one dissenter here cause I do regret going on trt. I wish I would have at least waited and tried some other alternatives. Ime I felt better with 200-400 of natural ball made T than I do on double the levels of man made T. Basically what I’m saying is you cannot beat what your balls make. Since I’ve added hCG tho I feel closer to what I did when I had decent natty T levels but not quite as good. Went on trt cause my levels dropped to 130 and felt like shit. Tbh I wanna see if the dr thinks I have any chance of going off trt now that certain things have changed.
How do you handle the higher hemacrit
Been as high as 54
I donate as soon as I can
I’ve also switched to daily sub-q which seems to have really helped. Hover around 49-50 just before donating again, which brings me to 45-46.

Regarding libido. Your libido drops when off cycle?
Libido and function is not as good as I was natural. Could eat like shit and not workout and better performance than now. Hcg, ai and daily 5mg Cialis has brought me back close.
I regretted TRT as well... after 2 years I saiid fuck pinning and the high blood pressure was killer. My blood pressure dropped 30 points once I hopped off and I feel great not being on. I did love being on though, the libido was dope. Im gunna hop back on in my late 30s early 40s.
I regretted TRT as well... after 2 years I saiid fuck pinning and the high blood pressure was killer. My blood pressure dropped 30 points once I hopped off and I feel great not being on. I did love being on though, the libido was dope. Im gunna hop back on in my late 30s early 40s.
the only time I had blood pressure problems was when I wasn't doing enough (zero) cardio
Ive been off T dor about a year, im just starting to feel better. Contrary to what some say, T does negatively affect your prostate the closer you are to 50.
I was doing 40 mgs every monday and thursday and my levels were 800. T made me feel good but then i would get a few days where i would get depressed. Now that im off, my mood is much more stable. 5 mgs Cialis every other day as well as cardio works very well.
When i was on T my Libido would go through the roof..
Not good ! Having a sky high libido at 50 is not normal and you come across as a pervert. Also, it gets very old for a girl as well.