domestic pct?


New Member
Hello im mike a new comer. I will be starting a cycle in a cpl weeks. Test e only cylcle as this is my first cycle. Im not planning on running a ai during my cycle unless signs of gyno occurs in which case ill run erase pro. Have heard good things about it. Will erase pro be a good enough ai for my test only cycle if its needed? Second question is their a domestic source anyone would let me kniw of where i can get clomid or nolva?
Cycle is a 10 week 500mg/week test e only have some pronabol-5 i may run to kickstart cycle any advice on how many mgs i should use if i decide to kickstart cylce. Thx
Sorry, I am afraid I have to upset you, it's recommended to use ai during cycle to control your estro level. Gyno is not the only symptom that may be caused by estro. Others are low libido, mood swings, hysterics... So you'd better control your hormones.
BW would be great.
Good luck running unstudied SUPPLEMENTS as therapy for the well studied and established AAS sides that will come your way.

How ironic many of these supplement compounds are not only ineffective, but cost just as much, if not more, than most pharmaceuticals used for the same purpose.

I hope such an unorthodox approach to cycling AAS would not overlook the importance of PRECYCLE labs, right?

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Erase-pro would be a great way to control your estrogen during a Super-Stack, all-natural testosterone booster, cycle. Make sure its only the 5000 mg proprietary blend, though, the 10,000 mg version can get a little intense.
Theyre blood work showing someone using test e and erase pro before cycle and during to show that erase pro did do the job. Im on week 3 of test only cycle no sides yet but just in case i have erase pro to try an control if they do arise. I have clomid otw for my pct im not running erase as my post therapy. but if erase doesnt work if sides arise can i not juat use clomid at low dosage to combat the sides if erase doesnt?