Dosage timing for shorter esters;


Well-known Member
In relation to test prop for example, what is the typical pin timing? I am going to blast using test prop for 12 weeks, I have only ever used Enanthate or cyp for a blast and I always pinned before bed. But with prop having a significantly shorter half life, should I pin in the morning? Or at lunch? I plan on pinning every other day.

With its terminal half life being 19 or so hours (allegedly), would I be ‘wasting’ it by pinning before bed?
In relation to test prop for example, what is the typical pin timing? I am going to blast using test prop for 12 weeks, I have only ever used Enanthate or cyp for a blast and I always pinned before bed. But with prop having a significantly shorter half life, should I pin in the morning? Or at lunch? I plan on pinning every other day.

With its terminal half life being 19 or so hours (allegedly), would I be ‘wasting’ it by pinning before bed?
Pinning ED would be best, look at steroidplotter the is pretty intense peaks and trough eod, with prop, as much as pinning ED sucks
For short esters I do EOD since pinning daily is a pain in the ass and I need to rotate too many spots but it would be better for sure, much more stable levels.

If you are able to do it every day in the morning, afternoon or evening good but it won't make much difference if sometime you switch from morning to afternoon and viceversa, just make sure you do it.