Dosages for females?

Monkey Balls

New Member
I'm looking to begin taking testosterone (cyp) and anavar. What would be some dosages for a female to achieve good results without taking too much? Appreciated ;)
Do your research women should not use any T unless its 6 wks of T prop and see how it goes for you. if no ill sides can run a cycle up to 12 weeks. Anavar needs to be run for 16 wks for optimal results. 20mgs total of T prop and var EOD.
Cool, good information thanx. I will research on prop. 20mg of T per week? I know with men they inject twice per week or so, so should I take two injections of 10 mg apiece? And what does 'EOD" stand for?
if you do both var and T prop at the same time I would recommend 10mg T prop every other day and 10mg of var everyday. The var is taken 5 mg in morning 5mg in evening.

What goals are you aiming for?
What are your stats? Age height weight training exp, diet and is this your first cycle?

Sports go messanger!!!

Last year, when I was helped by a friend to get anavar, I took 5mg per day. You really feel it even at 5mgs. You have to take it for abt 4 weeks. I only had enough for 3 but it still worked. I am searching, I found something. Has any one ever heard of or had exp. with gen xxl gear? Pls help.
Last year, when I was helped by a friend to get anavar, I took 5mg per day. You really feel it even at 5mgs. You have to take it for abt 4 weeks. I only had enough for 3 but it still worked. I am searching, I found something. Has any one ever heard of or had exp. with gen xxl gear? Pls help.

Otay, this is an insert from their site:

Oxandroplex $68.00


Average Dose: 20-50 mg/day(M) Women 5-15 mg/day(F)
Half Life: 8 - 12 hours
Water Retention: Rare
Aromatization: None
DHT Conversion: Low

This product is 4 times more potent than conventional Anavar (Oxandrolone) It works well for the promotion of strength and duality muscle mass gains, although it"s mild nature makes it less than ideal for bulking purposes. Among bodybuilders it is most commonly used during cutting phases of training when water retention is a concern. The standard dosage for men is in the range of 20-50mg per day, a level that should produce noticeable results. It can be further combined with anabolics like Primoplex® and Stanaplex® to elicit a harder, more defined look without added water retention. Such combinations are very popular and can dramatically enhance the show physique. One can also add strong non-aromatizing androgens like Haloplex, Proviraplex or Trenaplex. In this case the androgen really helps to harden up the muscles, while at the same time making conditions more favorable for fat reduction. Some athletes do choose to incorporate Oxandroplex into bulking stacks, but usually with standard bulking drugs like testosterone or Methanoplex. The usual goal in this instance is an additional gain of strength, as well as more quality look to the androgen bulk. Women who fear the masculinizing effects of many steroids would be quite comfortable using this drug, as this is very rarely seen with low doses. Here a daily dosage of 5mg should illicit considerable growth without the noticeable androgenic side effects of other drugs. Eager females may wish to addition mild anabolics like Stanabol®, Primoplex® or Duraplex®. When combined with such anabolics, the user should notice faster, more pronounced muscle-building effects, but may also increase the likelihood of androgenic buildup.

I hope I am helping someone, pls help me too.
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genxxl is legit..i have used their service many times with 100 % success.they used to sell BD var but now have axio and others///make sure it is legal to use without prescription in whatever country you live in before ordering.