Dosing advice


Hi, I am taking test c 200 mg a week on my cruise/trt. My total T came back at 1200 ng/dl at through pinning e3.5d. Free t was above reference range too. I would like to cruise around 700-800 ng/dl.

Is dosing usually linear? Meaning if I lower the dose by 25% will my total lower by that much?

Also hearing a lot of opinions on eod vs 3.5d injections. Is this placebo or does it has merit for more stable levels?
If you pin twice a week you can't cruise at a certain level of ~100ng/dl since your hormones will fluctuate every day. With 2 times pinning you have to decide where you want your lowest level (or your highest) and start experimenting.

For stable levels you'll have to inject as frequent as possible, ED is the best because you'll hit a level and from there everyday will be the same with no peaks and troughs. If you find it too excessive then EOD is the second best choise for stable levels.

For some guys numbers don't mean that much. If you're feeling ok with your current protocol maybe there's no need to change it. Usually it helps guys with mood swings, acne, estrogen problems etc.
If you pin twice a week you can't cruise at a certain level of ~100ng/dl since your hormones will fluctuate every day. With 2 times pinning you have to decide where you want your lowest level (or your highest) and start experimenting.

For stable levels you'll have to inject as frequent as possible, ED is the best because you'll hit a level and from there everyday will be the same with no peaks and troughs. If you find it too excessive then EOD is the second best choise for stable levels.

For some guys numbers don't mean that much. If you're feeling ok with your current protocol maybe there's no need to change it. Usually it helps guys with mood swings, acne, estrogen problems etc.
In your experience is it that much of a difference in sides pinning ed vs eod? I am currently doing e3.5d but am leaning towards eod.

My plan was to lower to 120 mg a week eod pins. 200 mg feel like is to much for off cycle persoanlly, still feel like I am on.

I am having bad back acne and sweating alot, also need AI on this dose. I want to let my body heal so my blasts are even better, preferably with minimal AI.
In your experience is it that much of a difference in sides pinning ed vs eod? I am currently doing e3.5d but am leaning towards eod.

My plan was to lower to 120 mg a week eod pins. 200 mg feel like is to much for off cycle persoanlly, still feel like I am on.

I am having bad back acne and sweating alot, also need AI on this dose. I want to let my body heal so my blasts are even better, preferably with minimal AI.

I can't give you a legit answer to that because since day 1 of my gear i was doing ED shots. I never encountered acne, water retention, high BP etc. Now for the last 25 days where i ended my cycle and started my cruise i'm doing for the first time MWF and it goes well. Although, i'm pinning subcutaneous with test E in castor oil, so the absorption is very slow and the peaks and troughs as stable as it gets for that pinning protocol.

I think it's a wise decision to get down to ref range levels and get your issues sorted before starting a cycle again. Sounds like a good plan going for 120mg in EOD protocol, 1200ng is high for trt. So start doing this and after 4 weeks go check your total test and e2 and let us know how it's going.

with 20mg Test E EOD SUBQ i am alays stable @ 740-750ng (are just 70 mg week)

Damn, you're lucky. On cycle with 325mg/week test and ED pinning subc my test levels were 1470.
I can't give you a legit answer to that because since day 1 of my gear i was doing ED shots. I never encountered acne, water retention, high BP etc. Now for the last 25 days where i ended my cycle and started my cruise i'm doing for the first time MWF and it goes well. Although, i'm pinning subcutaneous with test E in castor oil, so the absorption is very slow and the peaks and troughs as stable as it gets for that pinning protocol.

I think it's a wise decision to get down to ref range levels and get your issues sorted before starting a cycle again. Sounds like a good plan going for 120mg in EOD protocol, 1200ng is high for trt. So start doing this and after 4 weeks go check your total test and e2 and let us know how it's going.

Damn, you're lucky. On cycle with 325mg/week test and ED pinning subc my test levels were 1470.
Okay thanks for the advice, will retest levels in a few weeks and report back
I can't give you a legit answer to that because since day 1 of my gear i was doing ED shots. I never encountered acne, water retention, high BP etc. Now for the last 25 days where i ended my cycle and started my cruise i'm doing for the first time MWF and it goes well. Although, i'm pinning subcutaneous with test E in castor oil, so the absorption is very slow and the peaks and troughs as stable as it gets for that pinning protocol.

I think it's a wise decision to get down to ref range levels and get your issues sorted before starting a cycle again. Sounds like a good plan going for 120mg in EOD protocol, 1200ng is high for trt. So start doing this and after 4 weeks go check your total test and e2 and let us know how it's going.

Damn, you're lucky. On cycle with 325mg/week test and ED pinning subc my test levels were 1470.
yeah i did subq for a couple months and my testosterone levels were lower than IM and I still have what feels like scar tissue in my lower abdomen fat from the pharma test / ugl tren.

IFBB PRO Roman Fritz mentioned someone else having the same problem and i think subq is kind of a meme. Personally I dont even trust that its absorbed evenly ED in stomach fat, too many variables.
yeah i did subq for a couple months and my testosterone levels were lower than IM and I still have what feels like scar tissue in my lower abdomen fat from the pharma test / ugl tren.

IFBB PRO Roman Fritz mentioned someone else having the same problem and i think subq is kind of a meme. Personally I dont even trust that its absorbed evenly ED in stomach fat, too many variables.

I'm doing only glutes and after 200 shots i haven't any scar tissue yet, but i'm thinking trying IM for my upcoming cycle to see if i have better numbers. Thing is i have to pin again ED to have an idea because with fewer injections the peaks will obviously be higher. Also, in that measurement i had primo in the mix and at least 2 other guys here reported that in test solo, a given amount reach higher ng/dl compared to test/primo, despite the same test milligrams. It's confusing..