Dosing armidex(roughly how much to take and when on a test e only cycle?)


New Member
Hey guys this is my first cycle. Was just wondering roughly how much to dose armidex and when throughout my cycle I should take it? Test e only cycle 250mg - 500mg
So is your cycle 250mg or 500mg? That's a big difference. What's your pinning frequency? You may not need any at all. It's VERY dependent on the individual. For me at 500 mg split up eod I'd be pretty low, like .25 mg 2x per week. Some guys need more. Some guys need none.
.5mg 2-3 times a week adjust accordingly to blood work or symptoms. For all further questions regarding how not to grow tits, please see the search bar.
For 500mg Test E

Half an Arimidex (.5mg) dosed 2-3x a week seems to be a good spot for most users.

Get Ultrasensitive Estradiol bloodwork frequently

In the meantime, keep an eye on out for High E2 symptoms
So is your cycle 250mg or 500mg? That's a big difference. What's your pinning frequency? You may not need any at all. It's VERY dependent on the individual. For me at 500 mg split up eod I'd be pretty low, like .25 mg 2x per week. Some guys need more. Some guys need none.
My bad I didn’t get specific but starting 250mg thinking of working my way up to 500mg then tapering back down.
Should I just run 500mg the whole cycle? I was thinking about doing that but I read a lot of people saying start at 250mg to see how my body response.
How your body responds to what? Testosterone? The stuff that’s been in your body for quite literally your entire life? Something tells me you’ll respond just fine, like the millions of other men who have used it. It’s not tren, there’s very little mystery to it.

And the answer to your original question is “take as much or as little as you need based on symptoms”. Staring lower with your AI is usually the right choice unless and until you know how much you need ex ante.
Should I just run 500mg the whole cycle? I was thinking about doing that but I read a lot of people saying start at 250mg to see how my body response.
Yes. Long ester steroids have a built in taper anyway. As for "seeing your body response"...that doesnt work well with long esters. Something like ace or prop can be adjusted quickly, but e has quite a delay. Just pick a dose (400 or 500) and stick to with it. A taper up may have some merit if you are doing a super long cycle, but i can't see any benefit whatsoever to tapering down.
Don't use it until you have blood that shows you need it.

Take has less drugs as possible. So don't take it, start your cycle wait 3 weeks, do bloods, see where E2 are and then assess the situation, they are good? Wait 3 more weeks and draw blood again, or if your dick stop working or if you feel very bloated if your BP skyrocket then MAYBE you need a bit of arimidex/aromasin
Don't use it until you have blood that shows you need it.

Take has less drugs as possible. So don't take it, start your cycle wait 3 weeks, do bloods, see where E2 are and then assess the situation, they are good? Wait 3 more weeks and draw blood again, or if your dick stop working or if you feel very bloated if your BP skyrocket then MAYBE you need a bit of arimidex/aromasin
Solid advice. I often wait 8 weeks before throwing in arimidex, and only if sides.