Dragon Ordance Pharma GH FAKE (labs included)


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I don't think that's enough to claim it's fake. Some people run a shitload of pharma GH and their igf is still normal. Do you normally respond better to GH? What else are you on?
Tons on posts here of guys running 3.33iu (1/3 of a 10iu generic vial) a day with 400+ igf-1

6iu of pharma a day and I pull 172… that’s straight garbage.

Too bad he hasn’t logged in since July 10 to see this post (how convenient)
If I was a source I would require HPLC testing...period. If a customer purchased Testosterone Cyp and had bloodwork done while banging a gram a week and the test showed his Test was in the normal range would that be enough to say the gear was bunk and that the source should refund the cost of the gear?

The answer is no. There are too many variables that can cause results to be skewed. One would expect the gear to be an issue and clearly this member feels their is an issue with this GH product. However, guys have been getting bloods and igf-1 tests for many years. There are too many unknowns. The only way to put the issue to rest is HPLC testing.

Now, that won't bring a verdict of innocence or guilt about the Saizen being counterfeit. If it comes back way off it could also be a case of the product being exposed to excessive heat which would cause degradation of the GH.

The HPLC is necessary in cases of a customer wanting a refund. Bloods and Igf-1 testing only gives us assumptions. IMHO, of course.
Tons on posts here of guys running 3.33iu (1/3 of a 10iu generic vial) a day with 400+ igf-1

6iu of pharma a day and I pull 172… that’s straight garbage.

Too bad he hasn’t logged in since July 10 to see this post (how convenient)

No, not tons. Pulling 400 on 3.33 IU is better than average.

Pulling 162 on 6 IU - lab mistake? send to Jano? High liver enzymes? Making any progress otherwise?
Been using 12iu EOD 3-4months no orals. I’ll contact Jano, I have QSC GH pens otw I’ll pull bloods again on those as well
Jade informed me they are from the pharmacy and to check Turkish ITS.

I downloaded the app scanned 3 boxes and they all came back as

“Bu ilag sistemde kayitli degildir, lütfen kontrol ediniz. Durumu lütfen Türkiye ilaç ve Tibbi Chaz Kurumu'na bildiriniz.”

“This medicine is not registered in the system, please check it. Please report the situation to the Turkish Medicine and Medical Devices Agency.”

All boxes and pics attached below


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Jade informed me they are from the pharmacy and to check Turkish ITS.

I downloaded the app scanned 3 boxes and they all came back as

“Bu ilag sistemde kayitli degildir, lütfen kontrol ediniz. Durumu lütfen Türkiye ilaç ve Tibbi Chaz Kurumu'na bildiriniz.”

“This medicine is not registered in the system, please check it. Please report the situation to the Turkish Medicine and Medical Devices Agency.”

All boxes and pics attached below
That’s concerning. Did you try it with the QR code instead of manually entering the numbers?

Edit: Nevermind I just saw you scanned it.
If I was a source I would require HPLC testing...period. If a customer purchased Testosterone Cyp and had bloodwork done while banging a gram a week and the test showed his Test was in the normal range would that be enough to say the gear was bunk and that the source should refund the cost of the gear?

The answer is no. There are too many variables that can cause results to be skewed. One would expect the gear to be an issue and clearly this member feels their is an issue with this GH product. However, guys have been getting bloods and igf-1 tests for many years. There are too many unknowns. The only way to put the issue to rest is HPLC testing.

Now, that won't bring a verdict of innocence or guilt about the Saizen being counterfeit. If it comes back way off it could also be a case of the product being exposed to excessive heat which would cause degradation of the GH.

The HPLC is necessary in cases of a customer wanting a refund. Bloods and Igf-1 testing only gives us assumptions. IMHO, of course.
Wholly shit what up bro? Been many years!!! Glad to see your handle!!
If I was a source I would require HPLC testing...period. If a customer purchased Testosterone Cyp and had bloodwork done while banging a gram a week and the test showed his Test was in the normal range would that be enough to say the gear was bunk and that the source should refund the cost of the gear?

The answer is yes are you fucking serious rn. Please tell us what "variables" would result in 1 gram of test a week showing test levels within normal range lol
My point is, the guy is running a business. Now that testing is available and is affordable to all, refunds are given when steps are followed. HPLC testing is required to prove the product is or isn't what the source or label claims. Period.

You feel there should be an "*" accompanied with a statement like, "HPLC testing is required for refunds except for Testosterone products taken in gram doses or higher with bloodwork showing test levels blah blah..."

Its simple. Testing or keep quiet about a refund. I'll be the first one here tearing the source a new asshole if a guy has test results and he doesn't have a refund issued.