Dragon Ordance Pharma GH FAKE (labs included)

The answer is yes are you fucking serious rn. Please tell us what "variables" would result in 1 gram of test a week showing test levels within normal range lol
No dog in this fight, but with regard to IGF-1 conversion you are wrong. It is NOT a reliable test for the purpose people are using it for. I have been saying this for years, as someone who has probably seen, and pulled personally, as much GH related blood work, as just about anyone.

It isn't like taking testosterone and testing testosterone levels. It is like taking test/xx AAS, and because your prolactin doesn't go up, you think your gear is bunk. That isn't a good indicator.

I have personally used 6+ iu of GH right from a US pharmacy, and my IGF-1 stays the same, or has even went down a couple points in some instances. I just convert like shit, no two ways about it. I could take 50iu.. Makes no difference.

Send it in for HPLC. I would even pull a GH serum test on it, and give me some reasonable idea if it is even worth testing further with HPLC.
My point is, the guy is running a business. Now that testing is available and is affordable to all, refunds are given when steps are followed. HPLC testing is required to prove the product is or isn't what the source or label claims. Period.

You feel there should be an "*" accompanied with a statement like, "HPLC testing is required for refunds except for Testosterone products taken in gram doses or higher with bloodwork showing test levels blah blah..."

Its simple. Testing or keep quiet about a refund. I'll be the first one here tearing the source a new asshole if a guy has test results and he doesn't have a refund issued.
You're strawmaning the hell out of this.
Yes I agree one should get a HPLC test before talking about a refund. But OP isn't talking about a refund. He's got bloods that doesn't match up with earlier bloods on the same compounds, and a qr scan that doesn't work. Giving a fair warning to us that the gear is most peobably BUNK. And you want to start talking about HLPC testing. Why?? Why demand this of OP when he's not even talking about a refund. His warning to us is completely fair.

If someone posts bloods being 600 on 1g of test for 10 weeks. That sure as hell would be a fair warning as well that the source is shit. I'm not going to want to see a HLPC test in either scenario to accept the fact that the gear is bunk. But if the OP wants a refund I agree they should get one.

And I ask again. Which variables makes it so that 1g of test might make someone end up within normal ranges? Who on earth is running 1g of test as a true TRT? I advise you avoid this question so you don't seem like a dumbass twice
The blood tests and hplc testing are completely irrelevant and not needed when the product doesn’t even scan on the its app
It’s probably real but my opinion is that these liquid gh cartridges are just probably water by the time they get too a customer in the USA.
They don’t scan on the its app
That app is useless these days. Half the time it doesn’t even work. Usually fakes always have the same (21) serial. These at least had different ones. But who knows these days. They have been faking Turkish pharma products in Bulgaria for decades now and are damn good at it. Let’s just say even if they were real, who knows how long they have been sitting in Some box for without refrigeration. It’s probably lost most of the potency after being mistreated for too long.
If a customer purchased Testosterone Cyp and had bloodwork done while banging a gram a week and the test showed his Test was in the normal range would that be enough to say the gear was bunk and that the source should refund the cost of the gear?

Completely outside the realm of all that is possible on Planet Earth? No.

Highly improbable (like really no chance once you make the proper conversions for injection frequency to mean serum level) without invoking a mutant outlier or the customer is a bull elephant?

Run that experiment on 10 random dudes and all repeatably in the normal range? Those person are not injecting a gram a week of testosterone ester (TC/TE, etc.).

Fun hw problem...are there actually 10 men in the world whose mean TT level would test in normal range (300 to 1200 mg/dl) after 4 weeks on 1000 mg/week of test cyp?

Very fun analogy. Thank you for posting that.

Agreed on the HPLC with proper analytical standard.

Fun with charts FYI:

Quick trash gear detector for your Testosterone. Join the thread and play along. Would love additonal data points for the 1+ gram per week guys


please follow the detailed guidelines before you test your blood and provide data. See thread for details.

Once you have charted a couple points you can easily prove to yourself if you are one of those outliers. If not, you have useful tool to refer back to.
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Gotta use the new ITS app as well, but yes, you guys are correct, half of the time ITS isn't working anymore, and most fakes already do scan with it.

I suggest sending this off to Jano and getting it tested. We do pay for your testing and all, just have it shipped out. The same day this was posted, I had received bloods from a customer who's having great results on the Saizen, so its really just up the HPLC now.

Never have had an issue with these in the years I've sold them and use them myself.