No dog in this fight, but with regard to IGF-1 conversion you are wrong. It is NOT a reliable test for the purpose people are using it for. I have been saying this for years, as someone who has probably seen, and pulled personally, as much GH related blood work, as just about anyone.The answer is yes are you fucking serious rn. Please tell us what "variables" would result in 1 gram of test a week showing test levels within normal range lol
It isn't like taking testosterone and testing testosterone levels. It is like taking test/xx AAS, and because your prolactin doesn't go up, you think your gear is bunk. That isn't a good indicator.
I have personally used 6+ iu of GH right from a US pharmacy, and my IGF-1 stays the same, or has even went down a couple points in some instances. I just convert like shit, no two ways about it. I could take 50iu.. Makes no difference.
Send it in for HPLC. I would even pull a GH serum test on it, and give me some reasonable idea if it is even worth testing further with HPLC.