That's why all these shelves look the same. Similar bags .Similar websites.
@CensoredBoardsSuck can maybe chime in on this, same IP or VPN protocols.
You couldn't sell 5000 candy bars from your house a month . You couldn't collect money, pack, ship, maintain a website, maintain stock...none of it by yourself . Let alone something illegal, internationally .
The more I think the more it makes sense that it's the mafia, or a group of some sort doing this. That's why the websites lloothe same. It is all a model that works, why re-invent it? They probably are different guys, but connected . One guy couldn't do it, unless it's way small time.
And to that I say it's still bullshit. They think we're all stupid. Just fucking be honest
@DragonOrdnance or whatever your handle is this week . You'd see alot more sales with a little bit of honesty . So we don't believe you or panda or MK on any of this...think or info is safe? Our security? I don't