Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Maybe try diluting it more? I dilute so one tick is 50mcgs. If not, trash it bro. Shouldn't hurt like that.
How much more water would you suggest adding to it? I added 2ml at the start. I’ll give it a try would be a shame to waste it.
I've had sterile water burn like acid before. Especially the serostim sterile water.

Try it with bact water and tell me if it burns. If it does, I'll issue you a refund or some new MT2.
the sterile water is from the pharmacy so don’t imagine anything could possible be wrong with it. And to make bac water I just add BA to that sterile water could it really change anything?. I’ll certainly try it tonight though and see if it helps thanks.
You can buy ephedrine without a prescription in the US. Primatene and Bronkaide. You can also buy it from Canadian supplement stores. Many sources carry the injectable form and its use in an ECA stack is discussed all over the board. The shit isn't a big deal, chill out.
You can still drink it also just not as potent obviously.
Anyone order internatiomal raws yet. And how long does it take to land. Going on over 2 months and 3rd pack being sent from panda bc apparently they keep getting seized.
Anyone order internatiomal raws yet. And how long does it take to land. Going on over 2 months and 3rd pack being sent from panda bc apparently they keep getting seized.
I got mine on the 6th day after payment and the stealth was really good for me tbh and very well packaged.
Anyone have experience with @DragonOrdnance tren A? A lot of us had issues this year with tren a from ppl turning out cloudy no matter what we did. It would be nice to get some I could simply brew and be good to go with
Anyone have experience with @DragonOrdnance tren A? A lot of us had issues this year with tren a from ppl turning out cloudy no matter what we did. It would be nice to get some I could simply brew and be good to go with

I hope to have a t/A soon and will be able to let other members know about service and what it looks like.Just a waiting game right now for all of us .
I thought both PPL and Dragon use the same chinese supplier?

Few pages back he mentions that he uses two suppliers one is the same as PPL the other is different. Then he has a completely different supplier for the pharmaceuticals.
Few pages back he mentions that he uses two suppliers one is the same as PPL the other is different. Then he has a completely different supplier for the pharmaceuticals.
Makes you wonder if people actually read the thread. (Not really)
Never heard about pain injecting MT2 tbh, but I don't really look into MT2 experiences or have used it as I'm greek and pretty tan myself.

I can look into it for you with the supplier if you want, @Blakeyy
Okay my friend has tried it now to and said the stuff nips like fuck when it’s being put in. He also added more water to so it was diluted more but still the same. Am going to try to add bac water instead like you suggested tommorow but honestly have no idea how adding another substance in this case benzoyl alcohol could remove the pain.

I have 0 doubt in my mind that this isn’t MT2 I have only been for 3 sunbeds and done around 7jags and am black basically already. Am just concerned as to what’s in it that’s causing so much pain? My girlfriend sister wants one of the vials but am very reluctant on selling her one as I don’t think she could handle the pain.
So you're 100% certain it isn't MT2 yet you're saying you're black from tanning 3x which would imply it's mt2
I said I have 0 doubt that it isn’t mt2 as in am possitive that it is actually MT2 and I have no doubt about that. Sorry for the misunderstanding I should have worded that better