Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Reselling HCG?
Why would you need large amounts of it?
250 IU per WEEK works fine, and 500 IU will skyrocket estrogen for most guys.
You don't need much of it.

My doctor put me on 1500iu a week for TRT and my e2 was only in the 60s
Reselling HCG?
Why would you need large amounts of it?
250 IU per WEEK works fine, and 500 IU will skyrocket estrogen for most guys.
You don't need much of it.
I’m actually buying some for myself and a buddy of mine . Not reselling it
Are dude butts any better than gals and why?
Not that I'm too interested in it

Point is: if they want something that looks like a girl, dresses like a girl, even talks like a girl
why not get a (real) girl instead?

its the excessive Tren use confusing everyone, they’re cock tells them they want male butt, but they’re heart is still hetero’etero. So they make a compromise.

Compromise = Girlymales

Or the Chinese raw wizards are putting something in the Tren turning America homo’omo and confused..,,. Like that thing with the water making frogs gay

All part of China’s plan

Grab yer tin foll hats boiis we gettn’ weird n’ heer