DragonOrdnance Bloodwork


New Member
DO came thru with the fire. This was about 10 weeks in but unfortunately blood draw was 24 hours post injection due to a death in the family and an upcoming vacation I had to miss my appoint for 48 post earlier in the week. I know we like to post 48 hours for free test measuring etc but this is all I got so it is what it is. Little background, I am 34 years old and on doctor prescribed 200mg a week but I was not using my TRT so now I can run another free cycle in spring :). I had an injury week 9 which fucked most of my progress. I injured my tricep and either had elbow tendonitis or shoulder couldn't tell really. I started BPC 157 to try to increase recovery but had to switch to extremely high rep and low weight for everything but legs for the rest of the cycle. I was eating about 3800 calories a day and 250 grams of protein give or take. I have been bulking ever since I got back on TRT back in May of 2020 as I had shoulder surgery and was more focused on getting my strength back and some size before I trim up. Before TRT back in April I was at about 170lbs lean. My cycle info is as follows...

My stats start of cycle:
BF estimated 17%

Bench 245 x 1 rep
Squat 315 x 5 reps
Deadlift 315 x 5 reps

Post Cycle:
BF estimated 14%

Bench 315 x 1
Squat 405 x 6 reps
Deadlift 455 x 1 / 405 x 6 reps

12 weeks total:
600mgs a week split twice a week.
50 MG "Anavar" Week 1-8 twice a day
1.5 MG of Anastrozole split up in 3 doses

So, why is Anavar in quotes, well because it was certainly not Anavar. My wife got tabs out of my 50mg Anavar which I placed .4ml into a vial for her and she had side effects in 10 days and my resting BP around week 5 started to blow up to 145/100 at one point. I immediately stopped, grabbed some supplements to heal, and pushed out water via diuretic. BP a week later sat a steady 105-110 / all 70-80. Bloodwork below sort of confirms belief as my progesterone is on the decline based on how I was feeling. I am thinking this was Anadrol or Dbol? Any thoughts brothers? I have no before and after pictures as I was lazy. Now for the good part, the bloods. The Anavar DID NOT come from DO but another source that has been mentioned on here a few times but is not a supporter.

***Anavar was NOT from DO ***


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That's a very high test level for only 300mg. So the 'anavar' was from DO as well, in raw form?
Thanks for the comment... I forgot to add the Anavar WAS NOT from DO it was from another source who I will name once I get my back ordered package from them. It wasnt 300mg a week it was a total of 600mg at 300mg twice a week. I'll edit, I've been working and running on 4 hours asleep.
Thanks for the comment... I forgot to add the Anavar WAS NOT from DO it was from another source who I will name once I get my back ordered package from them. It wasnt 300mg a week it was a total of 600mg at 300mg twice a week. I'll edit, I've been working and running on 4 hours asleep.
Ah ok that makes more sense lol. & Thanks for the uploading the bloodwork.
That's a very high test level for only 300mg.
it is 600mg a week... that number is lower than what I get from 200mg/week from the actual pharmacy.

Low enough to strongly suspect your DO test is way underdosed.
it is 600mg a week... that number is lower than what I get from 200mg/week from the actual pharmacy.

Low enough to strongly suspect your DO test is way underdosed.
I too as posted am on TRT and my prescription from Walgreens / Doctor is 200mgs a week which i split in two doses. My last bloods came back at 750ish but I intentionally skipped 150mg the week prior dose to attempt to stay under 950. So considering this is 3 times what I was taking a week and my TRT comes back around 900ish when following protocol would mean this is relatively a 1:1 comparison. or a 1:1.1

I can post those bloods if needed or wait until 6 weeks from now when I have my next blood work come back for just TRT. Prior to 200mgs I was running 100mgs as prescribed and was historically around 650ish.
Also, look at my free test... almost 1,000. Bloods pulled on Friday the 19th, the day before (18th) had around 300mgs, and Monday (15th) had another 300mgs.
So considering this is 3 times what I was taking a week and my TRT comes back around 900ish when following protocol would mean this is relatively a 1:1 comparison. or a 1:1.1

I do not follow what you are trying to say here at all...

600mg of Test a week should be giving you MUCH higher numbers than this.
What do you mean his test levels are low? His total test is above 3k ng/dl. No way you get more than 3k ng/dl from 200mg/week stop it.
You are totally correct. I was transposing his 2 test figures in my head and reading his 990 as the his TT number. My apologies. Clearly not enough coffee.
i did read the qoute. you said he would never score over 3k on 200mg. he is taking 600 per week, so why would you even bring up 200mg.
The guy he quoted said be gets higher test levels running his 200mg of prescribed test a week compared to OPs test levels at 600mg.

Go back and reread my dude.
@CenturionSurf I'm just curious what the sides your wife experienced were?

Also when I ran anavar I saw a fairly good jump in BP. I actually got a few nose bleeds last cycle from it and not managing my bp.

From that "anavar," euphoric feeling, constantly dripping wet, insane sex urges, and insane strength. She would demand sex like a lioness in heat. Walk in to my office at home, grab my cock and say lets go. The negative sides, voice started to crack bad, vellus hair, and her clit began to be enlarged, all negative sides reversed except her clit but it is not bad, it's actually at the perfect size now but the fear was continuous growth or her voice permanently being changed. The clit growth was also amplified by DHEA or the 12mg of test cyp she was running so not attributing that to just the "anavar," She has sense just stuck to 18mg test cyp (up from 12) and DIM no more DHEA or anything else and she is about perfect on that now. She got a second order of var that was probably var based on the difference, she had strength gains but it made her irritable, almost lethargic, and no sex drive increase, the negative effect on her was enough to just stick to test and up it to 18mg. Var provided none of the mood changes she wanted from it and it was almost a negative mood.
DO came thru with the fire. This was about 10 weeks in but unfortunately blood draw was 24 hours post injection due to a death in the family and an upcoming vacation I had to miss my appoint for 48 post earlier in the week. I know we like to post 48 hours for free test measuring etc but this is all I got so it is what it is. Little background, I am 34 years old and on doctor prescribed 200mg a week but I was not using my TRT so now I can run another free cycle in spring :). I had an injury week 9 which fucked most of my progress. I injured my tricep and either had elbow tendonitis or shoulder couldn't tell really. I started BPC 157 to try to increase recovery but had to switch to extremely high rep and low weight for everything but legs for the rest of the cycle. I was eating about 3800 calories a day and 250 grams of protein give or take. I have been bulking ever since I got back on TRT back in May of 2020 as I had shoulder surgery and was more focused on getting my strength back and some size before I trim up. Before TRT back in April I was at about 170lbs lean. My cycle info is as follows...

My stats start of cycle:
BF estimated 17%

Bench 245 x 1 rep
Squat 315 x 5 reps
Deadlift 315 x 5 reps

Post Cycle:
BF estimated 14%

Bench 315 x 1
Squat 405 x 6 reps
Deadlift 455 x 1 / 405 x 6 reps

12 weeks total:
600mgs a week split twice a week.
50 MG "Anavar" Week 1-8 twice a day
1.5 MG of Anastrozole split up in 3 doses

So, why is Anavar in quotes, well because it was certainly not Anavar. My wife got tabs out of my 50mg Anavar which I placed .4ml into a vial for her and she had side effects in 10 days and my resting BP around week 5 started to blow up to 145/100 at one point. I immediately stopped, grabbed some supplements to heal, and pushed out water via diuretic. BP a week later sat a steady 105-110 / all 70-80. Bloodwork below sort of confirms belief as my progesterone is on the decline based on how I was feeling. I am thinking this was Anadrol or Dbol? Any thoughts brothers? I have no before and after pictures as I was lazy. Now for the good part, the bloods. The Anavar DID NOT come from DO but another source that has been mentioned on here a few times but is not a supporter.

***Anavar was NOT from DO ***
Is it 600mg/week testosterone cypionate or enanthate from dragon ordnance ?
Thanks for the comment... I forgot to add the Anavar WAS NOT from DO it was from another source who I will name once I get my back ordered package from them. It wasnt 300mg a week it was a total of 600mg at 300mg twice a week. I'll edit, I've been working and running on 4 hours asleep.
Brother, don’t do that shit! Almost gave me a heart attack because I just got some var from DO. Only on the second day so it’s too soon to comment on it though.