Dragons Blood experiences

Guys, guys, come one now. We need to be honest with people here asking sincere questions.

Now, dragons blood, aka dragons blood, is a stimulant, but not like other stimulants, it’s a stimulant on its own. Taken from golden dragons, not red ones, due to the stimulant being to stimulative. It is akin to a stimulant that stimulates things to a stimulative level of stimulation that the taker knows he/she is taking a stimulant.

You’re welcome :D
I'm getting a certain feeling from this whole thread......you know its not quite agitation, sort of like excitement? It's like an energetic kind of vibe.....I just cant find the right word.
Get the one with the gorilla jizz as a carrier "oil". We all know what really makes good gear good is the carrier oil.

Dragons blued in gorilla gizz is way stronger than the elephant jizz or donkey piss variations.