Driada 600mg test E


New Member
IM 300mg on Tuesday and Friday Test E no AI atm. Very confusing my prolactin is through the roof but oestradiol is normal wtf is going on. One of the tests is when I was on nothingBase bloodworm600mg bloods
Because prolactin is three times higher than normal.

600mg/w Testosterone and no T change seems to either be a health issue or fake post or - unlikely - Driada delivered fakes and he just has high prolactin which he shouldn't just treat by himself by adding caber.

In all cases, just randomly adding caber doesn't sound like a good solution. Start with more logical solutions.

1) Check the vials in a lab.
2) Change the brand.
3) Get another blood check.
4) Add an AI.
5) Drop the T to lower amount.
6) Drop all T, do PCT and then check bloods again and see what's up with the prolactin.
Any updates on your issue? Will you do any follow up bloodwork or any gear testing? This is weird dude, 600 test with no ai should get you much much higher e2. Also is the total test marker capped? I think it is, because if it's not then it's very low for 600mg. If i was you i'd go to a different lab if that's possible
Any updates on your issue? Will you do any follow up bloodwork or any gear testing? This is weird dude, 600 test with no ai should get you much much higher e2. Also is the total test marker capped? I think it is, because if it's not then it's very low for 600mg. If i was you i'd go to a different lab if that's possible
I ran out of test for a few weeks and started the same cycle again ill do bloodworm with a different lab as like you said the test marker is capped and it didn't show my free test I'm guessing because it was too high otherwise it is a reputable lab.
600mg/w Testosterone and no T change seems to either be a health issue or fake post or - unlikely - Driada delivered fakes and he just has high prolactin which he shouldn't just treat by himself by adding caber.

In all cases, just randomly adding caber doesn't sound like a good solution. Start with more logical solutions.

1) Check the vials in a lab.
2) Change the brand.
3) Get another blood check.
4) Add an AI.
5) Drop the T to lower amount.
6) Drop all T, do PCT and then check bloods again and see what's up with the prolactin.
I don't think you read the post correctly
From 17.7 to 52+ it's no change?

He has a normal E2, why he should add AI?

Drop everything instead of adding cabergoline, ok, I see.
Somebody mentioned earlier but I had sex literally 2 seconds before I took the bloods I don't know how much of a big factor that is
Have you checked out your kidneys and thyroid both can cause elevated prolactin, physical and mental stress. Sex also High protein diets can also raise your levels.