Duo-Blend (CJC-1295 5mg/Imaporelin 9mg)


New Member
What's up,y'all? My trt company offers peptide therapy, so I ordered this mix labeled Duo Blend, a combination of 5mg of CJC-1295 and 9mg of Imaporelin. After following their mixing instructions and recommended protocol, you end up injecting about 208 mcg CJC-1295 and 375 mcg Imaporelin one time at bedtime 5 days on, 2 days off. Does anyone have any experience with this exact blend or ratio? I find a lot of conflicting information online about dosing, but it's all involving one peptide at a time. The articles on these kind of peptides on the home page of this site is about the closest to this blend I've found, but it still makes it's suggestions based on running both peptides together from seperate sources. I consistently run cycles on and off on top of my trt doses and currently run the following:

Test c 200 mg/adex 1 mg mix ew
Eq 450 mg ew
Tren a 500 mg ew
Mast p 600 mg ew
Winny 37.5 mg/anavar 30 mg ed
T3 75 mcg ed
Clen 120 mcg ed
Ketotifen 1 mg ed
Adex 1 mg ed

More than i typically run, but I'm less than a month out from a Youtube video shoot for some online training videos. I'm about to drop the test and eq temporarily so I can really dry out when my little 1 week out carb/water tricks take place. I'm just trying to see what protocol I can start on this new peptide blend without throwing off all my prep for this shoot. I appreciate any insight y'all got. Thanks