Dutch police bust anabolic steroid gang that generated €6 million in sales

Dutch police bust anabolic steroid gang that generated €6 million in sales

An investigation into the illegal trade of anabolic steroids across Europe led to six arrests in the Netherlands on Tuesday. The investigation spanned several months, with the steroids and related products sold via a webshop and dispatched daily to addresses throughout Europe. Police released some details, adding that the case is ongoing.

"What can be said at the moment is that more than 60,000 orders were placed by more than 11,000 customers over a period of four years. During those four years, a turnover of more than 6 million euros was generated," police said in a statement.

The arrested suspects are currently in detention, with police not revealing information about their ages, genders, or hometowns. More arrests are possible, police said Eight homes and five commercial properties were searched on Tuesday in the Limburg municipalities of Eygelshoven Geleen, Heerlen, Kerkrade, Landgraaf, Maastricht, and Voerendaal.

These efforts turned up cash, large quantities of anabolic steroids, and data carrying devices. The case prompted the seizure of domestic and international bank accounts, real estate, six luxury vehicles, high-end jewelry, and other luxury goods.

"Anabolic steroids are often used, also by recreational athletes, to increase muscle mass or sporting performance," according to police. Since Tuesday, those visiting the webshop will instead see a page informing them that the police have taken the site down. They will be offered links to an anabolic steroid education page. "The sale and use of the drugs pose a threat to public health," police said.

The use of these steroids is generally not punishable in the Netherlands. Athletes may be sanctioned if they are caught using the drugs enhance performance.

My mind always goes into overdrive. I’d love to know which brand, not to pass remarks but solely for my own peace of mind to know of my details are now somewhere.
My mind always goes into overdrive. I’d love to know which brand, not to pass remarks but solely for my own peace of mind to know of my details are now somewhere.
The webshop sold Mactropin and Shield, but they are only talking about distribution in media, not production. But time will tell...
Busting a business made for consenting adults while they prescribe puberty blockers and testosterone to teenagers. Dystopia.
Busting a business made for consenting adults while they prescribe puberty blockers and testosterone to teenagers. Dystopia.
Ya some BS isn't it " I'm 56 and my last primary doctor wouldn't prescribe me trt when I was 52 . My levels were 310 and he said there normal , I said normal for who a 90 year old . We can have marijuana dispensaries EVERYWHERE ! and Alcohol and cigarettes , but people who want to build there bodies can't get buy just walking in and showing an ID to buy some testosterone. Gotta go through the loop and still not guaranteed to get a prescription.. They should legalize some of it without a Dr consent .
They only care because the government didn’t receive tax money, it’s legal to posses steroids for your own use here.
So you're telling me that if they create a NFT for the exact same price of each vial and then pay taxes through the NFT they'd be left alone by the police?

And as I've said, kids get puberty blockers and teenagers testosterone or estrogens. Fucking nonsence.
So you're telling me that if they create a NFT for the exact same price of each vial and then pay taxes through the NFT they'd be left alone by the police?

And as I've said, kids get puberty blockers and teenagers testosterone or estrogens. Fucking nonsence.
Let me give you an example of how crooked the laws are here. You can grow weed 5 plants maximum for your own use. You cant grow weed on a large scale or sell it, but there are so called coffeeshops here who can legally sell weed/hash etc but they legally cant buy it. They pay taxes over their sales and they sell a lot but the government closes their eyes when they buy it illegally from illegal weed farms. Like I said you can posses drugs, steroids when the police search you as long as it’s for your own use.
Let me give you an example of how crooked the laws are here. You can grow weed 5 plants maximum for your own use. You cant grow weed on a large scale or sell it, but there are so called coffeeshops here who can legally sell weed/hash etc but they legally cant buy it. They pay taxes over their sales and they sell a lot but the government closes their eyes when they buy it illegally from illegal weed farms. Like I said you can posses drugs, steroids when the police search you as long as it’s for your own use.
Yes I'm aware the laws are a bit odd at the moment in the Netherlands as I travel there frequently for hard festivals.

Thanks for the info anyway mate hopefully laws at least remain the same over there and UK and don't get worse.