MESO-Rx Exclusive Effects of anabolic steroids on female libido

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Today, MESO publishes the second of a two-part series examining the effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids on libido by @Type-IIx . The first part focused on male libido. The second part focuses on women:

What else is needed for girls trt ? My girl was on 20mg testosterone cyp once a week subq. I know 2x a week is better but she likes it once better. Sex has been through the roof. Like she let's me do anything I want about once or twice a week. Quality is way up. 30 minute slow blow jobs to warm up LOL. Now 20 a week seems a bit much. She doesn't like the extra dark hair pop up. So she reduced her dose to 10 a week test cypionate. Only side effect is sometimes she can fly off the handle more easily now but she's always kind of been like that. So it definitely affects her mood, but mostly in a positive way. We're both older 47 48 ish. She's not in menopause yet and sex was great before but now more frequent and intense. The clit is a tiny bit more sensitive and bigger but nothing freaky looking. She can orgasm 3 times a night easy. Any advice on going forward? I must admit she was on trt before at a clinic a few years ago but she didn't really know what they were doing she just did whatever they said. She stopped because of the cost and they required you to go in to get the shots which is ridiculous.
@Type-IIx nice article but I'm kind of a country boy haha. I had to Google a lot of the words because I didn't know what they meant. Just a thought maybe at the conclusion you could add like four or five sentences that kind of dumb it down for a whole lot of us guys there aren't as smart as you LOL.
Steroids made my wife into a sexual predator/ rapist, very aggressive and kind of selfish, like climb on and pin me down and go at it . . . it was kind of weird

and it seemed like her nether regions were swollen and wet all the time, like ready to go, the equivalent of a dude having a 24/7 hard on
Which ones in particular?