Elbow pain: Deca Vs BPC157

im considering trying bpc157 for a partially torn achilles tendon,can anyone share there personal experience? And where is a good source for bpc157? Biotech Peptides, but they seem overpriced to me
im considering trying bpc157 for a partially torn achilles tendon,can anyone share there personal experience? And where is a good source for bpc157? Biotech Peptides, but they seem overpriced to me
Bpc only helps with inflammation, I have been on it for about two months and I have 18 vials left. I would say stack it with TB500 if you want to notice anything…
Was on deca and completely eliminated all elbow/shoulder pain. Was able to lift heavy again with zero issue.

I stated to get some of the heavier sides associated with deca so I stopped and let it clear my system. Pain is back and limiting my lifts.

Could I expect similar results from BPC157?

Wouldn't bother with peptides.
BPC-157 (alomg with TB500) did nothing for my elbow tendonitis adter a 6 week protocol. Works for some, didnt for me

Didn’t help nine either and I took a 5 week hiatus from lifting to let it heal. Came right back 2nd day in the gym after 5 weeks off. I was also running TB 500 with it.
BPC can help with pain similar to antidepressants that are also known to heal tendons broken bones etc. and like BPC the healing is more from less stress and movement in the animal models than something magic in a week or 2. just be aware BPC acts as antidepressant so can come with similar sides.. and while folks note loss of pain in a week or 2 that does not mean its "healed"..

perhaps some other steroidal antiinflamatories would be helpful or better yet some NSAIDs?
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Now I will say this, I used 2.5mg 2 times a week of tb500 by itself for my left rotator cuff and I saw drastic improvement in that from just the TB500 and it was the same batch and source as I had used for my elbow.
Now I will say this, I used 2.5mg 2 times a week of tb500 by itself for my left rotator cuff and I saw drastic improvement in that from just the TB500 and it was the same batch and source as I had used for my elbow.
I gota messed up rotator cuff decca alone definitely helped.
TB500 and BPC157 will definitely help maintain joint health. expensive to run year round though
I gota messed up rotator cuff decca alone definitely helped.
Wish I could run deca but I can’t it gives me major depression and just all around feel like shit. I’ve talked to a few people with similar responses to deca that tried NPP and for whatever reason the negative sides didn’t bother them on NPP. I can only assume because of the short ester it somehow doesn’t give them the same bad sides so I actually picked some up last week and I’m gonna give it a shot once I'm able to get back to lifting. I’m recovering from shoulder surgery now for a torn rotator cuff and separated AC joint so no lifting for a while.
I got no results from BPC/IPA protocol I did from the most legit source. Works for some but not for me (elbow tendonitis). I wouldn't use it again.
Any point to run bpc157 or tb500 if you’re going to be taking gh for some nagging knee pain when lifting