Electrolytes to lower AAS blood pressure

Have you guys tried 100% RDA of 3 electrolytes in one drink to lower blood pressure?

It lowers mine by 10 points on both diastolic and systolic - so I must have been deficient?

I’m using potassium chloride (LoSalt), magnesium citrate, calcium carbonate. No sodium because it’s in everything.

I actually eat a lot of fruit and veg too. But I have 200mg caffeine daily - maybe excreting a lot so the supplements fixed that?
Yeah steroids, DHTs especially but all steroids do that to some extent, increase activity on the RAAS and that will make you lose more electrolytes. Drinking coffee kind of makes it worse.
Look up a ARBs. I am not sure what you are running right now
Usually TRT of 80mg Cyp per week, but I take 300mg bupropion for ADHD. The Bup + caffeine increase my BP to 125/85.

The 3 electrolytes knock it down to 115/75 within 45 minutes.

This week I did add low dose Rimobolan of 100mg a week - and just for 2 weeks - to see if I get acne from it.

The plan is if no bad acne (I’m cautious because of its DHT origin) I will do 10 weeks of 100mg a week with my TRT. I’m aiming to just get a mild boost at this point.
Shouldn't be having unnatural water weight at this time...

Talk to your PCP about BP meds if it's high
Do you think meds are warranted at 125/85? My cardio fitness is very good in boxing training
At that level you are still considered borderline high BP, but IMHO, not really.

Your diastolic (bottom number) should always be kept under or around 80 and should be watched as closely as your top number. I take 40mg of Telmisartan a day for moderately high BP even when not on ASS. I have an Omron BP machine and check my shit 10 times a day.( just because I have it and I like to monitor myself while on ASS). I average 130-125/80, sometimes lower, which is actually not that bad but my meds keep it in check. Milk Thistle and Taurine also are good.

You at 125/85 is pretty good but watch the diastolic like I said. If the diastoc gets higher than 100 then that's not good.
20mg of an ARB can help with blood pressure.
But careful... E2 is a good thing unless you're is super high. It helps increase hdl
My E2 is usually 70% of the range when my free T is 85%. I feel good on that, good memory, decent lipids. Could I go a bit higher?

I pin 3x a week on TRT - so once a week would increase my E2 ?

Do ARBs have any CNS sedation effect? Because with my ADHD that would not be good.

I also have news today that Bupropion has ceased production in the uk due to a carcinogen in its manufacture.

So I’ll probably be switched to a Lis-amphetamine like Vyvanse.

I’m afraid to ask this - is low dose amphetamine + AAS a recipe for heart disease?

I remember Mike Mentzer had a long addiction to amphetamine and died very early. Especially as the 70s guys live into their 80s
My E2 is usually 70% of the range when my free T is 85%. I feel good on that, good memory, decent lipids. Could I go a bit higher?

I pin 3x a week on TRT - so once a week would increase my E2 ?

Do ARBs have any CNS sedation effect? Because with my ADHD that would not be good.
Thanks mate! Just read all of it, very appreciated