Elevated Liver Enzymes 500mg/week test e


New Member
Hello, to start I have been on 500mg test e/week for 4 weeks now. I started aromasin 12.5mg every three days 2 weeks ago when I received bloodwork that showed my estro was high.

2 weeks ago when I got my estro checked my AST was at 35, and my ALT was at 31. Upon doing more bloodwork today, 2 weeks later for my doctor, my AST came back at 48 and my ALT came back at 56.

My question is what could have caused the jump in such a short amount of time? I know injected t isn’t liver toxic, so could it have been the aromasin? I don’t drink, but I did have a couple doses of 1000mg Tylenol within that two weeks.

I started a cycle support supplement that has NAC, milk thistle, and TUDCA in it. Should I be concerned about the quick spike?
I have zero confidence in the medical industrial complex. My hematocrit was one point over normal and the endocrinologist told me I was in danger of a stroke and wanted to cut my TRT dose in half.
Mine are always that elevate. My doctor. And the doctors at work said do t worry about it. 10 years ago my former doctor did ultra sound all kinds of crazy labs. Found nothing and said continue to monitor. Waste of time and insurance s money
My ALT and AST were elevated over the range (although not a lot) for 30 years and no Dr. cared. Hard training and eating large quantities of protein all release the same enzymes that raise those levels. Being less hydrated will also cause higher numbers.
I did hear that. It’s a possibility because I have been going harder than normal lately because of the increased strength, although in my 8 years of training it’s never caused them to be elevated.
They're always elevated after a hard workout.
It's supposed to be. It's normal.
Hello, to start I have been on 500mg test e/week for 4 weeks now. I started aromasin 12.5mg every three days 2 weeks ago when I received bloodwork that showed my estro was high.

2 weeks ago when I got my estro checked my AST was at 35, and my ALT was at 31. Upon doing more bloodwork today, 2 weeks later for my doctor, my AST came back at 48 and my ALT came back at 56.

My question is what could have caused the jump in such a short amount of time? I know injected t isn’t liver toxic, so could it have been the aromasin? I don’t drink, but I did have a couple doses of 1000mg Tylenol within that two weeks.

I started a cycle support supplement that has NAC, milk thistle, and TUDCA in it. Should I be concerned about the quick spike?
99.9% the training. My numbers have temperarily gone as high as 80-90 from training.