Enclomephine instead of Clomid/Nolva PCT


New Member
I've got a good bit of enclo left over from my RAD140 cycle a few months ago. About to start 300mg test e for 12 weeks and have arimidex on hand in case estrodiol levels get too high. But I'm wondering if enclo will good a good alternative to nolva for PCT once my test cycle is over? It worked good for me as a "test base" for RAD140 but obviously a test cycle is going to be stronger and shut down natural production more. Not really worried about the money so I'm happy to buy nolva and/or clomid if that's really the recommended route.
If it's real it should work as well as clomid with less side effects for many people. 12.5 Enclo is about equal to 25mg clomid.
I've done a lot of research on enclomiphene. A lot of places I read said it was better than regular cloud and nolva. I also used it as a test base later on in my rad140 cycle and continued it after cycle and it was the shit. It helped me feel better. How was the test cycle? I'm about to start test for the first time along with rad140 (already started rad again). Did you use enclomiphene as a test base during cycle? If so how did it go?

I did 6mg on cycle then 12mg post cycle
I've got a good bit of enclo left over from my RAD140 cycle a few months ago. About to start 300mg test e for 12 weeks and have arimidex on hand in case estrodiol levels get too high. But I'm wondering if enclo will good a good alternative to nolva for PCT once my test cycle is over? It worked good for me as a "test base" for RAD140 but obviously a test cycle is going to be stronger and shut down natural production more. Not really worried about the money so I'm happy to buy nolva and/or clomid if that's really the recommended route.
Clomifene is itself a prodrug, that breaks down into Z and E isomers. 62% Enclomifene and 38% Zuclomifene, and the E stereoisomer is the one you are looking for. The Z stereoisomer is thought to hold only estrogen agonists properties, unlike the E stereoisomer and Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) with regards to the HPA axis. The effects of clomifene/enclomifene are thought to be stronger then Tamoxifen on the HPA axis.

Over the years clomifene was the staple for post cycle recovery, but as time passed many women (dudes) couldn't handle clomifene's side effects (mostly thought to be attributed to the Z isomer as it is a estrogen agonists). If you have Enclo on hand this is the gold standard, while having a few Tamoxifen tabs on hand would benefit if for some reason you cant handle Enclo.

Enclo is a lot cleaner with regards to side effects than clomifene. I personally cant handle Tamoxifene, but its popularity is due to it's favorable side effect profile over clomifene.

Be advised there is no silver bullet with restarting the HPA axis. Having your nuts up and running for weeks on HCG, incorporating Enclo while your exogenous testosterone levels dwindle is probably the most gentle approach.

There are a bunch of molecules, peptides and inputs upstream of the hypothalamus and pituitary. Age, dosage of AAS and length of time of suppression are the biggest factors.

Time is the biggest factor of restarting the brain/endocrine machinery. Don't let the little kids on here fool you, starting Enclo once your sub 100mgs a week of test really gets the balls rolling (no pun intended). If you troll Pubmed or any serious research website you will see many guys making progress of Testosterone increases of 133% 2-3 months in. The TRT forums/sections are a bit more realistic with regards to recovery.

With regards to LH/FSH taking off and research, the first few weeks have shown the biggest gains in LH/FSH production. With 50mgs daily of Enclo (100mgs clomifene) showing the most benefit in LH/FSH numbers after 2 weeks. Keep in mind these are cells of the testicles that build in production over time. You shouldn't expect to see the same total and free testosterone numbers of someone who has been on HCG/FSH for 4 weeks prior.

I hope this helps explain clomid, the time frame and why Tamoxifene has gained popularity in the last decade.
I am sure my explanation is a bit long winded for most, for the KISS guys 2/3rds of clomifene is enclomifene


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