End of pct


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10+ Year Member
I just finished my last of clomid for my pct 30 days. My question is should I get blood work to see if it worked and when should I jump back on a cycle?
Cycle length + pct length = length of time you spend off cycle at minimum
Blood work is probably best done in my opinion about 30-45 days after you finish the pct, so you can see where your levels are without the use of any Type of drug
So I would take off 12 weeks plus 30 days.. So a total of 4 months till I get back on? Don't know if I can hang that long lol
So I would take off 12 weeks plus 30 days.. So a total of 4 months till I get back on? Don't know if I can hang that long lol
Yeah that's the recommendation. At the minimum, wait until your body returns to baseline levels without the use of any serms for a few weeks and you could probably hop back on. This is no way professional advice lol. You just increase your chances of trt sooner. If you want to stay on and don't care about trt, then blast and cruise
So I would have to wait 30 45 days till I can get blood work done to see if my own testosterone has kicked in? Shouldn't my levels be back to normal as soon as I finish my pct?
So I would have to wait 30 45 days till I can get blood work done to see if my own testosterone has kicked in? Shouldn't my levels be back to normal as soon as I finish my pct?
you should probably get bloods checked pre cycle, mid cycle as well as after pct and approx 4-6 weeks after pct. Is that practical? Maybe not, but in a perfect world that's how we should all do it.
I just finished my last of clomid for my pct 30 days. My question is should I get blood work to see if it worked and when should I jump back on a cycle?
Just depends how aggressive you want to be and what your goals vs concerns are. Most aggressive would be wait a month after you stop serms. Get blood work. Then hop back on. But like most say if you go that route there is really no reason to pct. just a waste of money.
I had, about 6 years ago, a bit of a habit of cruising and blasting...it ended up leading to a tough 8 month hpta recovery