EQ Advice


New Member
Hi, just wondering if there is any advice you can give me when it comes to bloodwork markers to watch out for, doses and ratio to test, possible side effects, etc (along those lines). The more detailed the better, thank you for your time!
the main concern from my experience is crashing your e2, for some eq is as strong or stronger than aromasin mg:mg, look up the chemical structure of both and you will see why they might both share this property. so keeping your test higher is better start out at 2:1 test to eq. as for bloods i never saw an increase in hematocrit like many people say can happen, i speculate many people get bloods done while dehydrated so which will make hematocrit artificially high, drink at least 1L of water an hour before getting bloods drawn.
the main concern from my experience is crashing your e2, for some eq is as strong or stronger than aromasin mg:mg, look up the chemical structure of both and you will see why they might both share this property. so keeping your test higher is better start out at 2:1 test to eq. as for bloods i never saw an increase in hematocrit like many people say can happen, i speculate many people get bloods done while dehydrated so which will make hematocrit artificially high, drink at least 1L of water an hour before getting bloods drawn.
Thank you for the advice, some say to give blood as well do you have any opinions and experience on that? and how long a minimum cycle of EQ should be, I am a high aromatiser so I assumed that it would be a good choice as it acts as AI and is hair safe
Thank you for the advice, some say to give blood as well do you have any opinions and experience on that? and how long a minimum cycle of EQ should be, I am a high aromatiser so I assumed that it would be a good choice as it acts as AI and is hair safe
giving blood is conditional on having high hematacrit, verify with bloods before donating blood. i have not seen much real data from myself and friends who use it on having this effect but your millage may vary, always check with bloods first