EQ & Primo??


New Member
Currently running a Test, Deca, Anavar, & HGH stack. Loving the the results so far. High libido, appetite is on point, increase & strength and gains at the gym, etc... Started having some gyno issues so I cut back on the Deca and so far it is helping.

My question is this; have any of you used EQ & Primo together in a stack? I have used EQ several times in the past as a 1:1 ratio with Test with no sides and good labs. However, I have never ran Primo before but considering dropping the Deca all together and trying some Primo in its place as well as adding the EQ.

Would love to hear some feedback. Thanks
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primo and eq together sounds a bit redundant.

E2 Management could be a pain in the ass too.

i can vouch for test/eq/mast.. if you want to add a dht-derivate

for example:
high test (750+ mg)
mid bold (~500-600)
some mast (300-400mg)
Switching out the deca for some primo or EQ is a solid choice, but I’d personally avoid stacking too many compounds together. In my experience, more isn’t always better when it comes to results or sides. You’d feel and grow really well on a straightforward Test/Primo stack.
If i had to use those 3 together i'd need to run 1gr of Test with 200 Primo and 200 EQ to avoid crashing e2 so for me it's just not worth it. If you don't get e2 reduction from EQ and Primo then yeah, no prob.
Fortunately I've never had my E2 crash form EQ but it will definitely be something that I will keep an eye on bc of the Primo. E2 is currently sitting at 45.
Thanks for the feed back guys
I’m absolutely in love with test/eq/mast. I added a small amount of primo recently and switched ratios around (1ml to work with every day). I have since decided to remove primo because I’d rather just increase one of the 3 existing compound doses.
Currently running a Test, Deca, Anavar, & HGH stack. Loving the the results so far. High libido, appetite is on point, increase & strength and gains at the gym, etc... Started having some gyno issues so I cut back on the Deca and so far it is helping.

My question is this; have any of you used EQ & Primo together in a stack? I have used EQ several times in the past as a 1:1 ratio with Test with no sides and good labs. However, I have never ran Primo before but considering dropping the Deca all together and trying some Primo in its place as well as adding the EQ.

Would love to hear some feedback. Thanks
You might just destroy your estrogen for instance I can run about 600-750mg test enth with 750mg EQ with no AI at all after the EQ kicks in….anyone have any tips on relieving anxiety/depression from Deca specifically? I don’t get it at all from trenbolone at a reasonable dose like 25-35mg per day but I do on any dose of deca that I try to take ….it’s happened at 200mg of deca per week and at 450mg per week . Any ideas or just continue to stay away? It’s crazy I used to love deca when I was younger!
Isn’t EQ a carcinogen? I’ve never actually used it. I’ve only purchased it for others. Primo didn’t impress me, I liked mast much more.
You might just destroy your estrogen for instance I can run about 600-750mg test enth with 750mg EQ with no AI at all after the EQ kicks in….anyone have any tips on relieving anxiety/depression from Deca specifically? I don’t get it at all from trenbolone at a reasonable dose like 25-35mg per day but I do on any dose of deca that I try to take ….it’s happened at 200mg of deca per week and at 450mg per week . Any ideas or just continue to stay away? It’s crazy I used to love deca when I was younger!
Some folks find that masteron provides a bit of relief from the mental sides of 19nors in general. Do not know the science of why this might be, however.
You might just destroy your estrogen for instance I can run about 600-750mg test enth with 750mg EQ with no AI at all after the EQ kicks in….anyone have any tips on relieving anxiety/depression from Deca specifically? I don’t get it at all from trenbolone at a reasonable dose like 25-35mg per day but I do on any dose of deca that I try to take ….it’s happened at 200mg of deca per week and at 450mg per week . Any ideas or just continue to stay away? It’s crazy I used to love deca when I was younger!
Add masteron. 200-600mg. Seems to keep me feeling great on nandrolone plus you don't have to worry about gyno
Add masteron. 200-600mg. Seems to keep me feeling great on nandrolone plus you don't have to worry about gyno
Yea I’m a huge fan of Masteron I’ll add it in almost every cycle and even 200mg to my cruise dose of test if you will lol ….I was gonna try that bc I have some mast enth still and I just grabbed deca for a buddy and have a couple bottles left…I’m just very reluctant and I can get 200mg npp I was leaning towards that…I just love higher test with primo or eq upwards of 750mg each bc I feel great n make great gains and I. Don’t need an AI at all