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Anyone get large weight fluctuations / water retention when introducing boldenone? Added some bold Cyp this week 150mg to my test and primo (which keeps me pretty dry) and I’m up like 4kg… no e2 signs, no change in BP, but def watery. Can’t say it is 100% the bold but I haven’t made any other charges to diet, exercise etc.
Idk man, possibly... I thought the same thing but had bloods drawn shortly after donating and everything was in check. My blood pressure was pretty damn high beforehand... Next cycle will be test and EQ only. Going to see how that goes
You will adore Test and EQ—you won’t feel a thing.

Exceptional sleep, incredible libido, and a calm, untroubled mind—none of the overactivity that comes with Tren, just an overall elevated quality of life. If you seek greater gains, simply increase the dosage; the higher the testosterone, the better I felt.
Wow that's low...
I am the same way. My last attempt had me eating Dbol like skittles. I had to give up because it wasn’t sustainable.

The really weird part is primo turns me into an ass hole within a few days. That isn’t even enough time for me to have a meaningful dose circulating.
I am the same way. My last attempt had me eating Dbol like skittles. I had to give up because it wasn’t sustainable.

The really weird part is primo turns me into an ass hole within a few days. That isn’t even enough time for me to have a meaningful dose circulating.
Next time use HCG not Dbol.... You cant stop e2 from HCG.... But from Dbol yes.
Im considering doing a cycle with EQ sometime this summer. Im interested in its effect on libido. Im planning 375 test and 250 eq a week, and maybe ill throw in some anavar the first few weeks. But without the var will these ratios affect my libido negatively? Im a low aromatizer btw.
Im considering doing a cycle with EQ sometime this summer. Im interested in its effect on libido. Im planning 375 test and 250 eq a week, and maybe ill throw in some anavar the first few weeks. But without the var will these ratios affect my libido negatively? Im a low aromatizer btw.
how much test u did before? also EQ is an long ester, your E2 can drop directly or after 10 weeks, may you have to up your test dosage or lower your EQ.
Anyone get large weight fluctuations / water retention when introducing boldenone? Added some bold Cyp this week 150mg to my test and primo (which keeps me pretty dry) and I’m up like 4kg… no e2 signs, no change in BP, but def watery. Can’t say it is 100% the bold but I haven’t made any other charges to diet, exercise etc.
Yeah. Been a long time since I ran it but running it now at just 500mg and dealing with excess water retention. It’s not the unhealthy looking kind though. It’s just super hydrated skin is what I would liken it to. Less vascular overall but the visible veins are thicker. And I can even say it’s a dry water retention although that sounds ridiculous.

Lol actually like how a racehorse looks before a race.
Anyone get large weight fluctuations / water retention when introducing boldenone? Added some bold Cyp this week 150mg to my test and primo (which keeps me pretty dry) and I’m up like 4kg… no e2 signs, no change in BP, but def watery. Can’t say it is 100% the bold but I haven’t made any other charges to diet, exercise etc.
Mine went the opposite way. Injected 600mg EQ and peed all night. Stomach felt much tighter in the morning

Hmmm what else and dosages in your stack?

I’m at 500 test and 350npp with 500EQ
500 test, 200 deca, 300 tren e, 600 EQ. I really just need the deca for joint relief in my knee but I bumped the dose up for fun. It's coming back down to 50mg and if that's not enough for my knee I'm dropping it. bc I'm miserable from the tired feeling it gives me 24/7. The EQ helps some with mood but doesn't cure the deca tired feeling as much as I hoped. I've tried masteron before but it didn't help at all. I'm starting to think me and nandrolone just aren't gonna get along anymore. All the caffeine in the world didn't help either
how much test u did before? also EQ is an long ester, your E2 can drop directly or after 10 weeks, may you have to up your test dosage or lower your EQ.
The most test i ever did was 750 a week with no other compounds for 3 weeks, after which i dropped it to 500 and added 30mg dbol for a few weeks till i ran out of dbol (like 4-5 weeks i cant remember). I only started feeling my nipples a little bit around the last week of dbol but after the dbol was out i added like .25 mg arimidex a week just in case till the end of the cycle. Im fine with upping test dosage.