Erection quality vs test amount

Random question but curious if other’s experience.

About 10 weeks into a 500mg blast. Also taking 5mg cialis.

I’ve noticed that erections are much better on 200mg cruises vs blasts. E2 is in check. No low/high symptoms. Adex 2x taken weekly. Etc.

Can still have sex no problem but definitely not as hard. Is this typical on high amounts of test?
My best sex drive is within 180-250 of test a week.

Minimal extra compounds/drugs. Maybe masteron/anavar would be nice but that's it.
Yeah I was a completely different animal lol. I get messing with hormones can bring big changes. Just surprised.
PDE5 inhibitors (like cialis) produce tolerance. So better take it when needed not every day.

Not sure if it´s the culprit in your case but surely it compounds
I feel better on TRT/cruise than I do on blast, sexually as well as physically and just generally overall.

If I’m running high gear I’m in front of a fork 24/7, bloated, uncomfortable, killing myself in the gym etc. all of which make me hate life haha
Adding a little Tren always helps. If you do test long term, get ready for some sexual concerns. It's important for guys to have some estrogen. Unfortunately, that will shut down. HCG will be your friend.
I feel better on TRT/cruise than I do on blast, sexually as well as physically and just generally overall.

If I’m running high gear I’m in front of a fork 24/7, bloated, uncomfortable, killing myself in the gym etc. all of which make me hate life haha
Yeah I feel like complete shit. 4500 cal daily, always bloated, tired, lower libido. Gains are nice though. Can’t wait to get back to cruising.
Adding a little Tren always helps. If you do test long term, get ready for some sexual concerns. It's important for guys to have some estrogen. Unfortunately, that will shut down. HCG will be your friend.
So you’re saying add HCG in from time to time? Something I’ll have to look into.
Adding a little Tren always helps. If you do test long term, get ready for some sexual concerns. It's important for guys to have some estrogen. Unfortunately, that will shut down. HCG will be your friend.
Dude you're a different breed. It's a bit of a jump from test amount for election quality to just add some tren.

I'm better at 200s rather than blasting where its either great or meh.
Hmm tbh it could be because your E2 is too low compared to your test. I’d let your E go up (ie less adee dosing) a bit if you haven’t already.

I assume by in check, you mean it’s within ref range…but the issue is that your test is obviously far outside it’s own reference range, and the ratio of test/E2 is arguably more consequential than absolute estrogen concentration for most estrogen related side effects
Adding a little Tren always helps. If you do test long term, get ready for some sexual concerns. It's important for guys to have some estrogen. Unfortunately, that will shut down. HCG will be your friend.
Lolwut. If he’s on mainly test long term, there’s not gonna be some magical cell signaling change that prevents aromatase synthesis (though there have been a few anecdotal reports of long term aromasin usage causing this)
Random question but curious if other’s experience.

About 10 weeks into a 500mg blast. Also taking 5mg cialis.

I’ve noticed that erections are much better on 200mg cruises vs blasts. E2 is in check. No low/high symptoms. Adex 2x taken weekly. Etc.

Can still have sex no problem but definitely not as hard. Is this typical on high amounts of test?
50mg of Turinabol
10mg Cialis
25mg Viagra
Horny Goat Weed
50mg Proviron (Don't skip this step)
25mg of test Prop And you should be good, hell throw in a bit of Tren Ace and that's just Big Fiend energy.

Nah but in all seriousness Iv'e noticed that too. I don't have that issue on short ester Test though, So maybe consider that next time. Could be your SHBG isn't low enough, thus my fun time stack ;)

I think its your E2 also... I noticed when I let my E2 run higher when the test is high, its better overall.
whoa you feel bad on 500mg test? I feel amazing on test even up to a gram I still feel really good. Idk maybe get blood work? see where you hematocrit and red blood cell is at. Having high levels of these made me feel like dog shit bro, also check blood pressure could be running high? Erection quality should be better on 500mg, I'm confused. are you on a high dose of an AI or something?
whoa you feel bad on 500mg test? I feel amazing on test even up to a gram I still feel really good. Idk maybe get blood work? see where you hematocrit and red blood cell is at. Having high levels of these made me feel like dog shit bro, also check blood pressure could be running high? Erection quality should be better on 500mg, I'm confused. are you on a high dose of an AI or something?
Why should erecting quality be better on 500 mgs test ?? Curious of what you’re going to tell us ….
Adding a little Tren always helps. If you do test long term, get ready for some sexual concerns. It's important for guys to have some estrogen. Unfortunately, that will shut down. HCG will be your friend.
Why would estrogen shut down if you're injecting test, which aromatizes to estrogen? Maybe I'm missing something here.
Since i added 400mg Mast e per week i have morning wood like when i was 18. :^)

How soon after starting mast-e did you experience this ? Wondering if front loading the enanth would help or if it kicks in fairly quickly - at least for libido /mental. I figure the drying out etc would take a few weeks

How soon after starting mast-e did you experience this ? Wondering if front loading the enanth would help or if it kicks in fairly quickly - at least for libido /mental. I figure the drying out etc would take a few weeks

I don't care to front load myself. You can google a steroid calc and find a good front load if you want faster results. I recently started 250 test, 200 mast wk. Bloat went down the end of first week by second or third it settled in and now is maintained... I was pretty surprised a low dose made viable effect myself... I get moon face blasting and bloat some just at a trt plus dose though