Erection quality vs test amount

I don't care to front load myself. You can google a steroid calc and find a good front load if you want faster results. I recently started 250 test, 200 mast wk. Bloat went down the end of first week by second or third it settled in and now is maintained... I was pretty surprised a low dose made viable effect myself... I get moon face blasting and bloat some just at a trt plus dose though

Thanks !

I’ve had the same experience w face bloat. When on 100 starter Trt. Been on AI since then until I started primo. Primo has been good just interested in possibly introducing a tiny dose of mast and reducing the need for so much primo (2x my test )
Thanks !

I’ve had the same experience w face bloat. When on 100 starter Trt. Been on AI since then until I started primo. Primo has been good just interested in possibly introducing a tiny dose of mast and reducing the need for so much primo (2x my test )
They're both dht derivatives. Primo may do everything mast may do for you. This is what I plan to try. Drop mast to 100 wk. 100 primo wk. As trt plus.
At one point I was blasting too much and my libido wasn’t nearly as good on a cruise/normal trt dose at 200 than it was at 300 or 4, I had to take about a year off of blasting to get my trt dose to slowly build back to me feeling normal like it was supposed to do in the first place. Still nothing to this day has made me more sexually active than test at 3 tren at 250, or test at 200 and trestolone at 25 a day, ridiculously horny from the trest test combo