Estrogen Advise


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10+ Year Member
Hello, I'm 52 and haven't been on test for about 7 years. My labs just came back with 732 for total test and 45.1 for estradiol. The estradiol is above reference range. I am considering starting 500MG a week of Test C.

Any advise on what to take to keep my estradiol down and what dosage of AI you would use?

Thanks in advance.
Make sure you get bloods 3 weeks in so you're not just catapulting drugs at an unknown quantity problem.

Primo works great to keep my estrogen way down, but it's not as effective in that department for other people sometimes. Plus if this is your first go around, adding more drugs can just complicate things, and dht drugs at that age can really smack your prostate depending where you sit now.

If you're going to use an actual AI, Aromasin was generally my go to, I don't like the rebound cycles of arimidex personally.

Start with 12.5 eod if you blood test warrants it or your nipples start itching.
Hello, I'm 52 and haven't been on test for about 7 years. My labs just came back with 732 for total test and 45.1 for estradiol. The estradiol is above reference range. I am considering starting 500MG a week of Test C.

Any advise on what to take to keep my estradiol down and what dosage of AI you would use?

Thanks in advance.
That number is not too high but if you are going to start on 500 mg of test a week, best to have an AI on hand.

You don't really need to take anything unless you are showing symptoms. If you begin to experience symptoms, get bloods again and verify the E2 is the issue.

Once you identify E2 as the issue, you will need to work on dialing in your AI dose. Arimidex and Aromasin seem to be the preferred route with generally half the community preferring Adex and the other Asin.

I like Asin myself and have only used it. When I have needed an AI (only when I go to 600 mg of test a week), I go with 12.5 mg Asin EOD or every third day.

You will just need to start conservative IMO and then find what works best for you. Asin is typically dosed at 25 mg and Adex at 1mg.

You do not want to crash your estrogen which is why I suggest starting conservative.
Your e2 is at a good spot, if you don't have any side effects (that would be weird though with that number) you better do nothing. Although since your test levels are not very high, meaning out of reference range, you could still be perfect with a e2 of 30-35. If that's what you want i'd suggest 6,25 aromasin once per week but honestly you most probably don't need it.