EU domestic source talk

Looking for a EU Domestic source that carries Nustendi (10mg Ezemtib/180mg bempedoic acid). Already checked with the pharmacy guys here, no one has it.
Requires a prescription and not a single doctor wanted to give me one so far. They all consider +200 Cholesterol and shit HDL/LDL as normal for someone my age (mid 30s)
I mean they won't give it to you even if you pay for it?
They actually ship from Ireland to the rest of the eu Ireland is a eu member
My bad, you are right.

I'm just getting pissed at trying to give and learn info and all I see is "well this UK lab has it". Like yeah, okay, we get it, UK fam got it good. Good for you. UK has something like a 50% manual inspection rate in my country for example, it sucks for most others aswell so we'll pass thanks.

Genuinely thank you for the word on Quanta, haven't checked them out before.