Ex-AAS user on TRT at 46

At your age I'd be cautious with starting dose to ensure your protocol doesn't come with all the sides of supraphysiologic dosing (Hct, water retention due to RAAS activation, blood pressure, prostate). You can always add more later if you decide to transition from TRT to borderline AAS abuse or full blown AAS abuse. TRT is a wonderful gateway drug for some.

Best wishes on your journey.
Very strange. Why would a seemingly legitimate medical clinic want to start me on such a high dose?

All over the internet everyone hates on anything non-injection. Since I only have experience with injectable AAS, I can't say either way. The nasal spray does sound interesting though. I wonder if it is expensive.
Why would a seemingly legitimate medical clinic want to start me on such a high dose?
Very common among the "TRT" clinics. They want the guys to get that big "boost" out of the gate, and, of course, "if some is good then more must be better"; but as AlexDavis43 mentions...where does that leave you in 6 or 12 months? You can always titrate up if needed/wanted.

Yeah without insurance the Natesto can be pricey.

Anyway, this has been argued to death online but the graph above gives you an idea where most fall on 180 mg/week of test ester. To give some perspective, I argued with Danny Bossa about this for years and he ended up dropping his recommended starting dose for "clients" down to 150 mg/week for so called TOT. Buyer beware.

If you want to cruise/blast help yourself, but just don't want you to think this is a legitimate starting dose for replacement therapy.

Some previous "discussions" if interested. Unfortunately behind a email firewall now...

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Natesto potentially isn't out of the question. I admit I have my own business with a $20K deductible plan, but I max out the HSA and have no other health issues. My only concern was using it 3x per day.

I guess the only benefit of the high dose in this case is maybe it can kick start my workout regiment, though I was always under the impression that supraphysiological test has basically the same side effects in the short term from a low dose (say 250mg) to the old tried and true starting cycle of 500mg.

Ah whatever. I will shop for another clinic.
Natesto potentially isn't out of the question. I admit I have my own business with a $20K deductible plan, but I max out the HSA and have no other health issues. My only concern was using it 3x per day.

I guess the only benefit of the high dose in this case is maybe it can kick start my workout regiment, though I was always under the impression that supraphysiological test has basically the same side effects in the short term from a low dose (say 250mg) to the old tried and true starting cycle of 500mg.

Ah whatever. I will shop for another clinic.
Not necessarily trying to steer you to another clinic. If you think you know your drug tolerance then maybe this is a great clinic long term if you want a legal Rx to abuse Test for BB. I have to exercise caution when speaking to someone on the internet.

Regardless, unless they are doing the injections (then I would steer clear), you control how much you administer. Anyway, don't trust me, get a 2nd opinion if you think that is something you are interested in. Hard to say what your drug tolerance is over the internet. Just food for thought.
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Not necessarily trying to steer you to another clinic. If you think you know your drug tolerance then maybe this is a great clinic long term if you want a legal Rx to abuse Test for BB. I have to exercise caution when speaking to someone on the internet.

Regardless, unless they are doing the injections (then I would steer clear), you control how much you administer. Anyway, don't trust me, get a 2nd opinion if you think that is something you are interested in. Hard to say what your drug tolerance is over the internet. Just food for thought.
Thanks man
Is this the place?


How much they charging per month?

What if you need 300 mg/week? I am curious how high they will go?

I finally got my PCP to write for 200 mg/week. Many T clinics will write up to 250 or 300. Not sure how they keep their medical/DEA license but it's great to have options with the wild west today.

Just curious.